A famous actress named Delaney Blossom after one of her successful movie she wanted to move to Spain with her best friends . She met on her way there a famous footballer named Ace Warner and she immediately fell in love with him. Are they meant to b...
After one of my successful movies, my besties and i decided to move to Florida. We have already found our house and bought it and we are ready to go into the airport.
I wore this
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and now i am waiting for Ivy and Carolina to pick me up.
Once my phone rang i looked outside the window and i saw them waving at me. I took my suitcases and went to say goodbye to my family. My little sister was crying. I told her that it was okey and that we will meet again but she is crying even more and she doesn't want me to let go. My mum and dad tried to convince her to let me go but nothing.
I grabbed her arms and told her that i will buy her a ticket to visit me, next week. She still had tears in her eyes and that made me feel horrible but i need to start my life. I swiped her tears away and took her into a big hug. I kissed her forehead and went outside the house.
Ivy: I Delaney: D Carolina: C
I: what took you so long? D:my sister realised that i will move to another city and she didn't want me to leave and she blocked the door so i couldn't get out. C: i feel bad for her D: if i was her i would react exactly the same. We have a very strong bond between us. C: i see I: girls just stop talking about sad things. It makes me sick. We move to Florida bitches. We need to celebrate it D: i hate you when you get into the "i don't give a fuck" mode C: me too, like we are talking for something serious I: uh, i love you too besties
We just laughed and then we were silent till we got into the airport. Our flight is in 20 minutes. We have to get to the plane. We took out our tickets and we saw that Ivy with Carolina sit next to each other and i don't sit near them. We looked each other with a shock on our eyes. That's when we heard screams. We looked to see what happened and then paparazzi and fans appeared with phones and cameras. Uh, we can't even go into our plane without any paparazzi.
Well, i think that's normal. I am a actress, Carolina is a famous model and Ivy is both. But, most of them came for me. I mean, ok i was the star role into a big successful movie. We went inside the plane and then i went to find my seat.
After a while, many boys came into the plane. Like what the heck. Only celebrities or famous people can come into this plane. I looked up and saw and they were all wearing jackets and pants with the symbol of barcelona's team. I immediately understood that the barcelona team is here. I didn't pay a lot of attention and then a tall, thin, handsome, with fluffy hair and brown eyes came and sat next to me. He was from the team because he had that symbol on his clothes. He looked at me and then his phone but after about 2 seconds he looked at me again with shocked eyes.
??: Are you Delaney Blossom? D: the one and only Delaney"s thoughts: (wth how does he know my name? he is a football player not a papparazi or a crazy fan that chases me around the city) ??: can we please take a picture? i am big fan of yours, and my family is obsessed with your movies. D: sure We took a photo and he had a big smile on his face. He is so cute. 😍😍 ??: my brother has a big photo of you above his bed and every night he watches your movies again and again. I just wanted to show him that i met you. D: oh wow, i mean i could never believe that someone is that obsessed with me. I would really appreciate to meet your brother. It's my pleasure ??: really? D: i mean, of course. I love my fans. I have went into many hospitals, adoption centres and houses to meet fans and give them hugs, play with them or any stuff like this. ??: well i would really like to play with you too😏 WHAT DID HE SAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY😦
??: i am joking don't worry. I just have a big sense of humour. D: i can see that
After a while i realised that he hasn't told me his name. I took my phone and search "fc barcelona football team". I scrolled down and then i felt a head on my shoulder
??: why are you searching for my name amor?
D: since you didn't tell me i wanted to do my search. A: my name is Ace Warner D: beautiful name A: thanks you love
He was so cute and handsome😏 Ivy has freaked out. I saw my phone and it's all full with ivy's messages. They were all like: who is he?, why did you take photos?, why is he smiling at you?, why are you talking to him?, do i need to get up and beat his ass up?. Uh i love her but she is overprotective to me. She says that i should not make any relationship because boys are stupid.
The time flies away and we arrive. Before we get up Ace looked at me.
A: can i get your number please? it was really fun together and we should hang out one day. D:ok football boy. That's my number ************ A: stop calling me that mi amor. My name is Ace D: and mine Delaney A: i prefer mi amor D: and i prefer football boy A: uh ok, i gotta go. Byeeee D: bye
i went to find the girls and Ivy was coming towards me.
I: i need to kick him in the face. Where the hell is he? D: oh oh oh, chill the fuck out furious bitch I: don't tell me to relax. He was too close to you C: chill Ivy they didn't fuck I:how am i supposed to believe that? D: Ivy jeez I: okkkk C: i am hungry and tired let's go to our new home D: me too.
That's what we said and then a man gave us the keys of a car that Ivy bought. Now we are going home.
1037 words
Hello, this is the first part of the story. I hope you like it.