I woke up in a hospital. I saw Ace being in a bed next to me. A doctor came in
D: doctor what happened? Why am i here?
Doctor: you've got into a car accident Mrs. Blossom. We sadly couldn't save your little angel.
D: is- is my baby dead?
Doctor: we are truly sorry ma'am. You lost a lot of blood and we couldn't so anything.
D: get out please
Doctor: as you wishI lost my baby.
Ace's and my child.
Why did it happen to me? What did i do wrong?
I heard Ace's voice
A: mi amor?
D: Ace-
A: why are you crying ?
D: we lost it-
A: lost what?
D: our baby
A: no.
D: yes Ace i lost my baby * she said and broke into tears*
A: it's okay my princesa. God wanted it to be our guardian. We will try for another one.
D: maybe you are right but this doesn't mean that i should not be sad. It was our blood Ace
A: i know mi amor, i know*After about 5 hours*
My parents, Ivy, Carolina, Vinnie, Julian, Ace and Kelly were here. We were crying all together for the baby and about my condition. Ace was fine. He had only some pain on his right hand and some bruises. The most serious injuries were mine. A truck came to my direction so as a result i lost my baby and much blood.
As we were talking i felt a lot of dizziness and my eyes getting heavy. Then everything went black again.
We were all talking and suddenly Del closed her eyes and the machines started going crazy. Doctors came in and took us all out.
Doctor: please Mr Warner get outI will not leave her alone. I want to stay here with her but then two doctors took me out. They went out and got Del to the operation room. We were all waiting outside
As we were all crying and waiting after 5 hours a doctor came out.
Doctor: who are the closest people to her?
Me and her parents went closer
Doctor: So she had a brain bleeding and that's what caused her to faint. We had an operation and everything went perfect
A: can we see her now?
Doctor: well, we have a little problem
Del's mum: what do you mean by that doctor?
Doctor: she fell into a coma and she may not wake up anytime soon
A: what....
Del's Dad: what do you mean she will not wake up soon? You said everything went perfect with the operation
Doctor: yeah everything was fine with the operation but we don't know why she fell i to a coma. We said that she may not wake up anytime soon because most of our patients didn't. Most of them dies or woke up after years.this can't be happening.
The love of my life may die or be in a coma for years. I will not be able to see her shiny eyes when i wake up, to feel her touch, her lips in mine or anything like that. All these thoughts were on my mind and made me wanna go crazy. My tears were falling down like a waterfall.
We went into her room and seeing her like this makes me wanna die. She is only 24 years ild. First i lost my baby and now i am loosing the love of my life. Her parents went out and i stayed alone with her. I went near to her and sat next to her. I hold her hand and watching her fighting for her life.
A: mi amor. I am truly sorry, its my fault for everything that happened to you. I should have been more careful in the road. First i lost our baby and now i am loosing you. Seeing you like that makes me wanna kill myself. I love you more that anything in this cruel world. I can't even imagine how my life will be without you. I need you my Del. I need to have you in my arms, feel your touch, feel your lips in mine, sleep with you, hold your hand, be there in your difficult times. I want to be there for every single happy or sad moment of your life. You can't leave me alone mi amor. I am not allowing this. You have to wake up soon. I will be waiting for you even if i have to wait months or decades to see your beautiful eyes. My heart will always love you and wait for you.
*After about a year*
I was in Delaney's room when the machine started going crazy. My heart broke into pieces because i was afraid that she may die just like the doctor said on year ago. They got me out of the room and they were doing everything to save her. My heart shattered watching her. After a while the doctors stop trying. I fell on my knees and screamed from the top of my lungs.
I lost her.
She died.
The love of my life is dead...
The doctors came out and told me that she is dead. They couldn't save her. We were all crying. Our tears were running down in our faces like waterfalls.
I got up and left. I couldn't do it anymore.
This day is the day i died too.
925 words
This chapter is so sad.
I swear i was crying when i was writing this
Sorry for making a so short chapter
•Del fell into coma
•After a year we lost Del
•Ace telling her how much he loves her while she is in coma
• him seeing Del when she is dying had me on my knees
There is going to be a second book with the same characters. I don't know the name yet but i know that there is gonna be a second one.
Stay tuned for the next chapter🫶🏻

Meant to meet but not be
Teen FictionA famous actress named Delaney Blossom after one of her successful movie she wanted to move to Spain with her best friends . She met on her way there a famous footballer named Ace Warner and she immediately fell in love with him. Are they meant to b...