A famous actress named Delaney Blossom after one of her successful movie she wanted to move to Spain with her best friends . She met on her way there a famous footballer named Ace Warner and she immediately fell in love with him. Are they meant to b...
I woke up with a headache and i don't remember anything. Have i drunk the whole Amazon River? What the heck.... I looked on my phone and it was 1pm.. WHAT?!?!?! I saw many messages and calls from Ace. Fuck...I told him that i'll go with him in practice. I immediately called him back.
A: Good Morning sleepy head D: shut up A: ok ok D: have you finished practice? A: Yes an hour ago D: oh shit, i am so sor- A: don't continue. It's ok, i noticed from yesterday evening that you were too tired D: why didn't you come here to wake me up? i feel bad now A: i swear if you continue i will fall from the balcony. I cant stand seeing you getting sad because of me D: but Ace- A: Amor you know i would never do something like that. I am not like these idiots that wake up their women to go with them somewhere even tho they know that their women are tired D:awww but this doesn't mean that i don't feel sad anymore A: mi amor if you don't shut your mouth, i will shut it for you with ways you may not like
Oh lord.
A:ok now dress up and let's go to the beach. After that we can go on a restaurant. D: okeyyy A: see ya in a while D:bye
My heart started racing and racing and racing. He calls me amor, he didn't want to wake me up cause i was tired, he wants to go out even tho i didn't go to his practice. This man is the definition of perfection😍😍
I got up and started getting ready. I grabbed my favourite swimsuit and went to the bathroom to get ready. The girls and the boys are coming with us too. I got ready and this was the swimsuit.
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I wore a white dress above the swimsuit and went down. They were already there and they were waiting for me.
I: WOW LOOK WHO IT IS D:don't start Ivy I: MY FAV BITCH CAME FINALLY DOWNSTAIRS, WHAT A PLEASURE A: Good morning mi amor D:Hey football boy J: Let's go and stop fighting I: shut the fuck up and fuck off J:only with you V: wow wow wow C: what do we have here? A: bro Julian relax, the only thing you are thinking of all day is her J:- D: WHAT C:THE I:FUCK!!!!
Then i heard Ace asking Vinnie if he said that out too loud and Vinnie nodded.
A: shit I: let's go i can't stay here anymore D: yeah yeah we better go
All of this was too awkward. We went into our cars and it was silent until i decided to break the ice
D: so, what will we do tonight? I:I am thinking of beating Julian's ass up C: oh god, stop being a bitch Ivy J: don't try me love I: you are the one that needs to stop trying me, because i can easily erase you in every multiverse if i want A: Ivy we all know that deep inside you, you really like him I: no i don't
I understood that Ace is trying to make Ivy to confess her feelings because we all see that they adore each other and i decided to get into it too
D: Ivy why don't you just admit it ? C: Ace and Delaney are right J: guys let her hide her feelings and if she just sees me with an another girl making out she will be a cry mess and crying the hell out because she didn't confess her feelings on time and i will be with an another woman doing anyth- I:FINE
Julian looked at her with a smirk because he knew that Ivy couldn't imagine him with another girl
we all looked at her with widened eyes I: he is kinda cute, a very handsome boy and many times i think that we can really exist as a couple but on the other hand there are times that i want to kill him with my own hands
D: that was really romantic A: guys write down the date, Ivy confessed her feelings and stopped for few seconds being a bitch and introverted. C: Ivy i am very proud of you
Julian was looking with teary eyes because he couldn't believe that Ivy finally confessed.
We arrived on the beach and took off our clothes. I grabbed the sunscreen and started putting in my soft skin. Ace took of t-shirt and oh my lord, his being hands, those abs and generally him😍
He grabbed my hand and helped me put on the sunscreen on my back. Sometimes we really look like we are a couple. While he was putting the sunscreen i heard a click like they were taking a picture and it was a teenage girl. I looked at her with a death stare and a confused look too. Then i heard my phone rang and got it out to look what is it. I saw a notification that someone has tagged me in a post. I took a look and i saw that this girl has uploaded the photo she took of me and Ace in Instagram (what an amazing day to die)
I looked Ace and showed him the picture
D: what would we do? they are gonna think we are dating A: to be honest, this is gonna happen soon so I don't care😉 D: to be honest neither me A: are you for real? D: i mean yes, let them think whatever they want
He smiled and i smiled back
I looked for the girls and Carolina waved at me. They were already in the water. Then i felt two strong arms grabbed me and i looked at Ace. He was heading into the water.
D: Ace please it's cold A: cold water helps you with health problems D: Ace please, i am begging you A: Nah i don't care
We got into the water and they were laughing, because of my reaction.
The time went by and we enjoyed the sunset. It was night now and we headed back to our home. They all went i to the living room and me with Ace were in the kitchen.
A: will i see you tomorrow? D:yes, why? A: because i can't live without seeing your beautiful face mi amor D: i am very special, i know it bitch A: did you call me a bitch? D: maybe
He started tickling me without stop and Carolina with Vinnie came.
C: what are you doing here? V: are you two fucking? A: VINNIE D: what the fuck, why should we fuck? A:because we can D:ACE V: y'all are disgusting C: Hold on, where is Ivy? V: where is Julian?
We went upstairs and we went into Ivy's room. We saw them making out-
D:IVY A: Julian C:OH MY LORD V:I thought that Ace with Delaney would be the first to fuck but i was wrong
me, Ace and Carolina turned our heads and looked at him
V: uhm maybe i should go wash your fish
He left and went downstairs
A: so what is going on? D: Julian get your crusty hands out of her hips, i swear to God i will rip off your eyeballs C: Delaney please stop being a mini Ivy J: we didn't- D: don't you dare continue, i swear i imma cut out you small dick A: how do you know it's small? C: for god's sake, everybody shut up!!!
We looked at Carolina. She went near Ivy and grabbed her jawline. She got into a boss mode
C: How long? I: what do you mean? J: we- D: i swear if you talk one more time i will- C: no no, i am the only one who talks now and if you want to talk you have to ask me Ace, Delaney, Ivy, Julian: Yes ma'am C: so Ivy...How long have you been fucking him? J: what- C: if you talk one more time i will let Delaney beat your ass D: fuck yes C: Ivy, i won't repeat that again. How long are you two together. I: Two weeks C: Since the golden boy event? I: yes... D: wth
We looked at her with a strange look and went downstairs. We goodbye all the boys and then Julian walked beside of me and i of course had to do my stupid thing. I arched my leg and he fell.
J: what was that for? D: for being with my bestie and not telling me J: bitch A: call her bitch again and i will be the one to rip off your eyeballs J: ok ok
I hugged right Ace and he went into the car and left. I went to my bedroom, took a shower, put my pjs on and went to sleep. I was so tired, but i hope that Ivy will it think that she will not hear all i have to say tomorrow....
Hey, it's been a while since i updated the last part. Hope you doing well🫶🏻