A famous actress named Delaney Blossom after one of her successful movie she wanted to move to Spain with her best friends . She met on her way there a famous footballer named Ace Warner and she immediately fell in love with him. Are they meant to b...
I arrived in my hometown. I need to confess that i have missed everything here but the thing i missed the most is my family. I got into my limousine and went to my house. Nobody knew that i would come. I grabbed the suitcases and rang the bell. My lil sister opened the door
C: DELANEYYYYYY *she runs into my hug* D: hello troublemaker C: i've missed you so much D: me too girl
My parents came downstairs. My mum started tearing and my dad was in shock.
M: OH GOD DEL (From delaney, it's a nickname that her close people call her) D: Hey mum Dad: My sweet girl, we've missed you so much D: i know dad C: how many days you are staying? D: for 3 days, i need to go back because i have photoshoots to make. C: but when are we going to see you again? D: don't worry i will try coming often M: let's go eat something!!! I made pasta D: Dad's and my favourite food
We ate dinner and we really had a very nice family moment. I went to my room and i have missed everything. The corner i used to write my dairy when i was a little girl, the paintings i used to make when i had strong emotions and wanted to express it and generally everything.
Suddenly i remembered that i haven't called Ace... He is gonna kill my fucking ass... I called him:
D: Heyyy A: GOSH DELANEY, WHERE WERE YOU?!? D: I know, you are right but my sister really missed me and i couldn't get out of her hug. A: to be honest i already missed you too D: aww you can't live without me football boy A: I know mi amor D: I am really tired A: Go to sleep princess, we will talk tomorrow D: Okey pretty boy A: did you called me a pretty boy? D: maybe A: Now i can peacefully sleep D: glad to hear that, have a great night A: you too mi amor, be careful and i love you D: i will and i love you too
We hang up and OH MY GOD!!!!!!! He told me that he loves me😍😍😍😍Bitches he is mine, he is gonna be mine, back the fuck off🤭
i took a shower and went straight to my bed
Someone was calling and i couldn't see because i was dizzy from the sleep.
D: yes? I: where the hell are you? Bitch you told me that you are going to call me and you didn't because i suppose that you were fucking with Ace D: first of all, Ace didn't come with me and second of all you were the one that didn't call me all day yesterday cause you were having fun with Julian. You are the one that was probably fucking I: okey okey shut the fuck up, how was the journey? D: it was good I: did anything happen between you and Ace? D: we kissed and he told me that he loves me I: THE FUCK WHAT?!???! WHY AM I LEARNING THIS NOW?!?! D: because you were fucking with Julian I: uh stop D: go continue your sex and remember, always protection we don't want kids from now I: Fuck off Del D: you too bitch
I got up after i finished talking and went to get changed to go to the company. I curled my hair and wore this
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