*After 3 years*
My relationship with Ace is amazing. I somehow found out that i am pregnant with his child but he doesn't know it yet. He is in practice right now and i am going to reveal it to him on today's match. I am kinda nervous to be honest because I don't know how he will react but i really hope that he will love it.
I was sitting in my bed and i was waiting for him to be back. Suddenly the door opened and revealed an all sweaty Ace.
So damn hot.
A: hey mi amor
D: good morning my love
A: how are you feeling?
D: very good
A: so happy about it
D: how was practice?
A: nice but to be honest i am kinda scared and nervous for today's game
D: don't worry babe everything will be okay. You are the best player of Barcelona's team so i am not scared about anything
A: thank you mi princesa
D: go take a shower now you stink
A: aw love you tooHe went to take a shower and i was scrolling on tik tok. Many edits of Ace was there and i was just couldn't resist anymore. I was smiling all the time because all these teenagers want him but i am here, in his bed, in his clothes, pregnant with his baby waiting for him to get out of the shower.
After a while he came out with a towel around his waist. Of course I couldn't do anything but stare.
A: like what you see amor?
D: very muchHe laughed a little bit and came next to me
A: I love you
D: i love you tooHe kissed my forehead which is the best thing ever and went to dress up. After he came to the bed and wrapped his arm around my waist
A: i need to sleep. I am so tired
D: have you eaten anything?
A: no, i will have my meal in a while
D: what meal?
A: you
D: i am serious
A: and i am Ace Warner, nice to meet you
D: oh gosh. Do you want me to go and prepare you something?
A: no i want to sleep
D: alrightWe slept until the alarm clock rang and it was time for Ace to go get ready for the game. He and Vinnie had to leave early because of the instructions all this stuff the coach wants go tell them. Ivy, Julian, Carolina and I are getting ready to leave now. I wore jeans and Ace's jersey, grabbed my purse and head down.
I: ready bitches?
J: excuse me?
I: what?
J: you said bitches
D: and?
I: i am a boy
D: who said that
C: ate and left no crumps
I: whatever lets go now
J: okayWe all went out to Julian's car. Ivy sat on the passenger's seat and me with Carolina in the back seats.
After about 10 minutes we arrived. We went to sit next to the Barcelona's benches.
The match started and I spotted Ace. He run to me quickly, gave me a quick peck on the lips went back.
The game was going great for the Barcelona team. It was now 4-2 against Real Madrid. Suddenly the other team scored. I saw a man looking at me and making a "D" with his hands.
He dedicated his goal to me...
I didn't even smile back. Ace saw it too and death stared him. I saw him going closer to that man and then i stood up and signalled him to continue his game and let him do whatever he wants since i am his and only his.
Currently it was 4-3. Ace's face was red because of how furious he was. Vinnie had the ball, passed it to Ace and Ace SCORED!!! I stood up cheering and screaming for him. He came, hugged me tightly and kissed me passionately while looking on that guy.
That jealousy omg.
The game continued that guy scored again and dedicated his goal to me.
Bro is obsessed😭
Ace was looking at me to give him permission so he can kill that idiot. Of course i said no because that would destroy his career. Ace took the ball that guy went near to him, pushed him and took the ball. I saw Ace in the ground and red as a tomato. The referee blew his whistle, gave the man a yellow card and gave 10 minutes break. I run to Ace and kneel in front of him as he was still on the ground
D: my love are you okay?
A: absolutely no
D: did you get hurt?
A: no i am fine but that asshole will soon be dead by me
D: Ace don't do anything stupid. It will destroy your character and career.
A: I don't give a damn fuck right now. First flirting with you by dedicating his goal to you two times and now pushing me. I swear he is so dead
D: ignore him
A: hell nah
D: Ace
A: you know what? I know what I'll do *he said smirking*
D: what do you mean by that?
A: don't worry mi amor, remember i love you
D: Ace I swear i will kill you
A: love you too mi amorThe match started again and now that guy took the ball, Ace went close to him and pushed him. He fell so hard on the ground that he for sure have a serious head injury. Ace got a red card and told him that he is benched for the next game. I was shocked. Why would he do that?
The game ended 5-3. Ace scored 2 times, Vinnie 1 and their other teammates scored the rest of the goals.
I stood up and looked Ivy. She understood that it was time for the big reveal. She signalled on our Barcelona assistants and now the whole Barcelona team is around Ace. I went closer and signalled them to stand up in a row. I winked they all took their shirts off. Ace was so confused right now. You have to see his face. It was written on each other's back one letter. It made a sentence. "Hello Daddy"
Ace was still trying to figure out what was going on when all of the sudden the crowd started throwing baby bottles. Ace saw it and his eyes widened. He looked at me with so much joy.
A: no way
D: yes way
A: are you pregnant mi amor?
D: yes i am my AceHe took me in his arm and spinned me around. The whole crowd was screaming, the Barcelona team and Real Madrid's team was around us screaming and clapping. Ace pulled my shirt a little bit to see my little bump. I saw tears running down his cheeks as he kneeled to kiss my belly. After he let me from his arms both teams grabbed him and put him in their arms making him jump likes he is in a trampoline.
I am the most happy person in the world right now.
After a while Ace went to the lockers room to grab his things and go change in the changing rooms. After he changed clothes he came out and wrapped an arm around my waist. We were walking like this and went to his car.
The whole ride he had his hand on my little bump. We turned the music a little cause we were so happy and screamed our lungs out to every song we knew. But then everything went black...
1286 words
•Del is pregnant with Ace's child
•the big reveal
• Ace getting a red card because he injured a player that pushed him and dedicated goals to his woman
•Everything went black
What will happen? Why did everything went black? Is everything alright?
Stay tuned😍

Meant to meet but not be
Teen FictionA famous actress named Delaney Blossom after one of her successful movie she wanted to move to Spain with her best friends . She met on her way there a famous footballer named Ace Warner and she immediately fell in love with him. Are they meant to b...