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    Though you might not believe it, our world has a twin. Another world much like ours, only reachable by magic. This world is called Ganim (gAh-niM). Ganim, like our Earth, has plants, mountains, and inhabitants. But with a twist. It an all that lives on it, is 70 Times the size of Earth. It has creatures identical to the ours, even intellectual beings that are humanoid.
    Now you may be wondering why I'm telling you all of this. To that I would have to go back to the beginning.
1000 years ago, humans didn't live on earth, they lived on the giant planet 'Ganim'. The humans struggled to survive, measuring at a mere 3 inches compared to everything else in that world. And of corse being hunted by the humanoid 'relans' which were the equivalent of humans but 70 times their size.
    the Relans had an immense craving for human flesh, and hunted for it. The humans it turn, Egan attacking the young ad weaker relans killing off nearly all of them.
    after this had gone on for thousands of years, the population of both species had decreased drastically. The relans tired of the constant war and loss, so they decided to make a compromise with the humans.
the deal stated that if the humans stopped attacking the relans then in return the relans would let the humans go to the far off planet earth, but they had to leave some of their numbers behind for the relans. the human leaders agreed, wanting to save the human race.
and so the giants used their scared magic and opened a portal to earth, and the humans left 10% of their population for the relans to do with as they pleased.
That was 740 years ago, the remaining humans have been captured and law now states that only royalty is allowed to eat humans. So once a year the hymns chose 7 people from the age 6-18 whilst the remaining adults produced children and pray that their sons/daughters don't get picked.

Hello my homies! So what do you think of this story? Good. Bad. Comment below anything hat should be changed or anything you like! Have a blessed day! Bai.

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