Fifty Nine : One over Another

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The next day is the day of the presentation. Logan is prepared and ready to have Miyagi-Fang beat Cobra Kai.

They do their presentation and Logan kicks watermelon in the dudes face. She panics for a second but then the guy starts laughing with Johnny and Logan is relieved.

At the end of the presentation, the main judge speaks, "It's clear that one could not be more different than the other." He says. "Yet both are equally impressive. The only way to determine which dojo can gain entry into the Sekai Taikai, is to see how your students fare in direct competition. Each dojo will select two fighters, one male, one female. Each will fight tomorrow afternoon in separate three-point matches. After those fights, the organizers will decide which dojo shall make the world stage." He says. Then they walk off.

Later that night, everyone is at the Larusso's house eating pizza, Logan and Sam are sitting on the couch, facing the two sensei's. They need to determine who will fight.

"Now, you guys are the only two girls on our side so we need to make a decision." Larusso says. It's clear that Larusso wants Sam to fight but Johnny wants Logan to fight.

"Logan should fight." Sam says.

"What? Why?" Logan asks.

"You've been training longer than me and remember the past few all-valleys? You crushed those." Sam says. "I want you to fight."

"Alright, I guess it's settled then." Johnny says. "You guys should go get some pizza." He says. Sam and Logan smile and go and get pizza. Then Robby, Hawk, and Miguel go to the sensei's. Logan only eats one slice of pizza because she starts to get nervous. She's going to have to fight one of her best friends, Tory.

A few minutes later, Robby comes in and sits next to Logan. "So, who's fighting?" Robby asks.

"I am." Logan says. "What about you?" She asks.

"No way, really?" Robby asks. Logan nods and he hugs her. "I'm so proud of you. You're gonna crush it. Hawk is fighting." Robby says.

"Nice." Logan says. Later that night, Robby and Logan are laying in the bed at Johnny's apartment. Logan can't fall asleep. The nerves are too much.

Around 10:30 pm, Logan gets up, not waking Robby and she goes outside. She goes to take a breath of fresh air. Then the door opens behind her, it's Johnny.

"Hey kid, what are you still doing up?" He asks.

"Sensei, I'm nervous." Logan says. "W-what if I lose?" Logan asks.

Johnny puts his hands on Logans shoulders and looks her in the eyes. "Logan, you have so much skill, you are amazing at karate, and most of all, you're badass." Johnny says. Logan smiles a little. "You are more than capable of beating Tory's ass tomorrow." Johnny says.

"I-I don't think I can do it." Logan says, looking down.

"Hey, look at me." Johnny says. Logan looks at him. "You are going to kick some ass tomorrow, do you understand me?" He asks. Logan smiles a little more.

"Yes Sensei." Logan says. Johnny smiles.

"Now go get some sleep, you're gonna need it." Johnny says. They both go back inside the apartment and Logan falls asleep.

Teenage Dream - Cobra Kai Robby KeeneWhere stories live. Discover now