Angst No.2

362 11 6

It was the happiest life for the all of them..

The whole sunshine harem successfully got married and had an family with Phil..

Their lives were perfect.

Not until an disaster came.

Someone set their house on fire.

The fire started at the rooftop.

But because their house was really big, they didn't notice it.

Not untill they saw the huge fire at the stairs.

The whole sunshine harem got out safely, they took their children with them..

None of them were hurt.

Except One.

Philip didn't make it out in time, but he still got saved and layed on the hard stone ground.

It all happened so quickly..

They were all close to the exit.

But Phil got trapped inside trying to get their other remaining children out.

Luckily though.. The old countries risked their lives trying to save phil, and they managed to rescue him.

But phil was badly injured..

Because of the glass that broke, phil had an huge scratch in his leg, face ands arms.

They carried phil outside and layed him on the ground.

Phil was already weak.

With all of his might, he still managed to talk and say his last and final words..

"D-darlings..? Please promise me that the all of you will protect our children... I am v-ery s-sorry *cough* that I will have to go today.. And also please promise to me *cough* that the all of you will stay strong for me.. Okay..?" Phil said, weakly raising his hand to touch his harems cheeks.

Phil watched them slowly nod.

Phil pulled Asean closer and made their foreheads touch and didn't the same process with the other 3.

"A-and for the f-four of y--- *cough* you.. Please take care the all of the other countries okay..?" Phil then turned around to look at the old countries.

"Then for the a-all of y-you please b-be an hel-helping hand to the four of them o-once *cough* they are tired.. Okay..? * Phil said to the old countries, asking them to help the four organizations to take care all of the countries.

Phil then looked up at the sky and slowly closed his eyes.

"This is an goodbye darlings.. Till we meet again, farewell..!" Philips heartbeat stopped.

"N-NO! PLEASE DON'T... NO NO NO NO!" Soviet shouted first rushing closer to Phil holding his hand.

The other followed and all held Philips right and left hands.

Sobs and crying can be heard through out the whole place.

Their children were being taken care of the remaining helpers that also got out.

And the ambulance and fire fighters have now arrived..

The nurses rushed Phil in the vehicle and hurried to the hospital.

While the others rushed in their cars that luckily didn't get damage by the fire.

They quickly followed the vehicle where phil was in..

The sirens of the ambulance were loud through out the streets that they went in and crossed.

The all of them finally arrived at the hospital.

The nurses all rushed phil to the emergency room while the others just rushed and followed them.

Their children was with the other nurses, they were checking if the children got any lung disease or just anything because of the large amount of smoke that they probably consumed.

Minutes had past by..

And the results finally came in.

"We are very Very sorry for you're loss Sirs." The doctor came out and apologized before she walked away.

This time, they didn't sob nor cry.

There's something they will always promise to their self's.

We will never Change the love we had for you Phil, we deeply promise that we will always be there and protect our children and for each other, we know that we fought sometimes.. But we will promise to change that, our love for you will never change Phil.. We will miss you Too, darling..


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