{Amelie's background}

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~Prechapter Chapter~

'I didn't stab you," Amelia scoffed

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'I didn't stab you," Amelia scoffed. "I only thought about it'

On October 1st 1989, 43 women gave birth. Weirdly all women claimed to not have been pregnant when the day began.

That was no different for an Italian couple by the names of Gabriella and Nicolas Russo.

Gabriella and Nicolas were a rich married couple. And Gabriella was struggling to give birth to a child after years of trying they were about to give up. That was until one day Gabriella was in her house making lunch for her and her husband when she felt something.

It was a new type of pain she never felt before it was strong and hurt like hell.

Gabriella dropped the glass plate she was holding and quickly grabbed onto the things nearby. Which was there white marble stone counter top.

"Ugh!" Gabriella groaned and cried.

Nicolas rushed into the kitchen when he heard a racket to see his wife panting and sweating she looked out of breath.

"Gab, what's wrong," he asked in his heavy Italian accent as he made his way over to her.

"I-I don't know, it's just so painful all of a sud-" Gabriella started before stopping as a watery liquid flowed out of her.


"Ahh!" She yelled gripping onto her husbands shoulders. "Something's coming out!"she yelled as tears started to stream down her face.


"I don't know" Ahhh! Damn! Call my mother!" She yelled.

"I should call 112?" Nicolas asked, panicking at the sight of his wife in pain.

"Call my mom! Damnit!" She yelled.

A couple rings later her mom answered the phone.

"Hello Na-"

"I don't know what's happening with Gabriella she's in pain. She's all sweaty and crying a lot saying something's coming I thinks she peed on herself or something!" Nicolas yelled cutting her mother off.

"Grab some towels, pair of scissors and a bowel full of warm water" her mom's voice said calmly over the phone.

"What? Why?"

"Nicolas! Listen to me damnit! Get what I said and hand the phone to Gabriella" she yelled cutting him off.

Nicolas quickly passed the phone and ran to grab some towels.

"Bambina?" (Baby)

"Mamma non so cosa stia succedendo" Gariella cried feeling the pain come back harder and stronger. (Mom I don't know what's happening)

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