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~Chapter Twelve~


'Does my stomach look big?'

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'Does my stomach look big?'

(Two years after Five and Amelia got married)

It was early in the morning Five and Amelia were laying in bed asleep. The night before they were out on a long assignment that drained the energy out of both of them.

Five sighed dragging his hand down his face as the sound of their alarm went off.

"Mhm," Amelia mumbled turning in her sleep. 

Five moved his arm from under his wife turning to reach the alarm to turn it off.

"Morning," Five said sitting up.

"Good morning love," She smiled stretching her arms yawning.

"How'd you sleep?" 

"Okay, didn't get enough though I feel like shit," she chuckled looking at Five.

Five leaned in slowly making Amelia lean in too, before there lips were able to touch Amelia jumped out of bed holding her hand over her mouth before running into the bathroom.

"Okay, my breath doesn't smell that bad," he chuckled shaking his head. 

Five began to say something until he closed his mouth hearing his wife throw up.

"Melia?" He asked stepping out of bed walking over to the closed bathroom down knocking on it. "You okay in there."

It was quiet for a moment until he heard the sound of the toilet flush. "I'm fine, don't come in here." Amelia yelled from the bathroom climbing onto the toilet seat whipping her mouth with her hand.

"Don't act like I haven't seen you throw up before," Five said opening the bathroom door and leaning on the frame. "Are you okay?"

"Do I look okay Five?" The girl scoffed shaking her head. "I feel like I just throw my guts up."

Five rolled his eyes. "You're being dramatic."

"Of course I am," She said rolling her eyes. "I feel awful."

"Are you on your period?"

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