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~Chapter Four~


'Like what you see?'

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'Like what you see?'

"Melie we're going to be late for are date!" Five yelled from the room.

It was Five and mine one year anniversary of dating and he was taking me on a dinner date. He told me to dress up fancy and that it was a surprise. I was excited I loved surprises, even though for me they were hard. Because if I got too excited I would slip into the mind of the person who was surprising me and see what it was. But I promised myself and Five that I wouldn't do that even if I wanted to.

"I'm almost done!" I yelled back before reapplying my signature cherry red lip stick.

I was wear and all black body dress that hugged my body and had a slit on the right side that went all the way up to my tight. I had on my red heels that would make me and Five the same height. My hair was in pulled back into a sleek ponytail that showed off my gold hoops.

I looked in the mirror taking a deep breath before I opened the door to see Five there standing in front of the mirror fixing his red tie that matched my heels and lip stick.

When he heard the door open then close he turned to look at me his eyes opening wide as they scanned me up and down. I was feeling nervous and little under his gaze.

"You look" he started as he made his way towards me "Absolutely beautiful Melie," he smiled wrapping his arms around my waist pulling me in close.

"Don't look too bad you'er self Hargreeves," I smirked as I wrapped my arms around his neck.

Five locked eyes with me before attaching his lips onto my.

It was a soft kiss and quick kiss, one that would leave you wanting more.

"Your lucky my lip stick is smudge proof," I smiled once we pulled apart.

"Wanna test that theory?" He smirked pulling me in closer.

"With you? No eww" I said fake gagging.

"You love me," he smiled.

"Do I?" I said putting my finger on my chin like I was in deep thought. "I guess I do," I shrugged.

"Ready to go?" he asked shaking his head as he walked to the front door.

"As ready as I'll ever be," I smirked going through the door once he open it.

Me and Five had been at the restaurant for about two hours at this point. We were finishing are dessert when he reached over the table and grabbed my hand. I looked up and saw him staring at me with a smile plastered on his face.

I smiled back as I raised my eyebrow

"Like what you see?" I teased.

"I have to show you something," he said, not breaking eye contact.

"Okay, " I said as I finished my slice of red velvet cake. "What is it?" I asked feeling myself get excited.

"I have to teleport us somewhere first."

"Are we going to pay first?"

The next thing I knew Five grip on my hand got tighter not tight enough to hurt but tight enough so we wouldn't accidentally let go of each other. There was a bright blue light then we were somewhere new.

"Should have known," I chuckled, whipping my eyes as they watered.

When I opened my eyes I saw were were on the balcony on are apartment. But it was covered in string lights. I looked down and saw a soft looking wine red blanket with a bottle of Champagne and two wine cups. There was a small radio sitting on the chair that was in the corner, playing music.

"This is beautiful," I breathed out looking around. I picked up the single red rose that laid onto of the radio, taking in the soft smell.

I turned back around when I heard fabric movement.

I gasp as the rose dropped from my hands and instantly throwing my hand over my mouth as my eyes started to water.

There I saw Five on one knee holding up a small black satin a box.

"Amelie, I know we haven't been together for that long but you have made my time in the commission bearable," he said making me chuckle and whip the tear that dropped slowly flowed down my cheek. "I love the feeling and the butterflies I get when I see you smiling and laughing. You deserve the world and all the good things it has to offer. If I fail to find that world for you, I promise to give you mine. Amelie will marry me?" Five finished as he opened the box.

I couldn't believe what I was looking at the man I fell so hard for so fast was proposing to me. I was struggling to breathe I could only nod my head not trusting what would come out my mouth.

Melie, I'm going to need to hear you," Five chuckled.

"Y-yes," I said barely above a whisper as happy tears streamed down my face.

Five took the ring out the box and slowly put it on my ring finger... it fit.

The ring was a pearl shape and when moved around you could see a red tint glossing over the diamond.

Five quickly got off his knee and pulled me into a tight hug that last for a couple seconds. When we broke apart we stood there holding each other staring into each other's eyes.

We stood there staring at each other for a few seconds that was until are song started to play 'Just the two of us'

I chuckled hearing it start. Me and Five started too dance and sway to the song. With Five occasionally spinning me.

Soon after are lips fell together the kiss was rough and filled with love that mixed with lust perfectly. It was the type of kiss that made time freeze.

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