Tournament Round 1. (D/1)

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First day of the tourney. Also my Rimuru shall be called Alt:Rimuru cuz yes


The day has come, as humans from all over Tempest alongside monsters rush to the labyrinth to get a ticket into the collesseum's seats, with a few of them already having reserved seats. Everyone is hyping up for the first round of the day, as the battle between one of the strongest in Tempest is happening.

Benimaru: (Sheesh...)

He can sense it, the thousands of people outside of this gate that wait for his battle against the fox lady.

Benimaru: (Why does this sort of making me nervous?)

He clenches his fist that wears a bracelwt, attempting to hide the nervousness due to the sheer crowd.

Benimaru: (Doesn't matter... I only need to focus on one person.)

He takes a breathe, as the other side now silences once a female voice which is familiar to him is heard.

Souka: And now, the supreme commander of Tempests Army!

Benimaru begins to walk out, making his way to the field.

Souka: The master of flames, striking terror into the hearts of many, and bestowed the title of the Flare Lord by the one and only Rimuru-Sama!

He walks out, entering the light as the entire crowd cheers.

Souka: Allow me to introduce, Benimaru!

He looks at the entire area, a bit taken aback by the huge crowd in the entire area.

Benimaru: (Is the fight between us this hyped?)

He wonders, but puts up a smile and begins to wave back at the crowd.

Souka: And now...

The crowd stops, as the other gate on the other side opens.

Siuka: A woman who rivals Benimaru in flame's, known for her intense magical prowess throughout all of Tempest, and bestowed the title of the Grim Monarch!

A woman with fox ears and tails begins to walk out, wearing a sort of military outfit similar to Benimaru with only a black color instead of red.

Souka: Allow me to introduce, Rena!

The crowd cheers once more, as the fox lady wave's at the entire crowd.

Rena: So? Ready to lose, Sir Benimaru?

She shouts, now eyeing the fair Oni on the other side.

Benimaru: I'm afraid you've got it the opposite way around, Miss Rena.

He replies, now pulling up a carefree smile before putting on his smile of battle hungriness.

Benimaru: The one losing here, to be disgraced Infront of all these people, will be you!

He says, pulling out his katana.

Rena: We'll know who becomes the honoured and who becomes the disgraced very soon, Sir Benimaru.

She replies to him, pulling out the dagger with the weaker Anti-Skill known as Skill cancel, something Rimuru had given her since she was the most proficient with a dagger.

Rena: Let's dance...

She says, now getting rid of her former "genuine" smile and replacing it with a sadistic smile that defies her entire aura from before.

Benimaru: We shall.

Both prepare spells in their hands, ready to fire them the moment it begins.

Shuna: Now...

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