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You all sat in the cafeteria, On-jo, I-sak and you sat together like every other normal day.
"hey", On-jo grabs your attention, "what are you staring at?"
"huh?" you reply back, finally dragging your eyes away from Cheong-San.
I-sak turns around to the direction you were just staring in.
"were you staring at..cheong-san?" she says grinning.
You blush and cover your face in embarrassment. You've had a crush on Cheong-san for as long as you can remember, you've been in the same class every year from the age six.
"Maybe.." You reply sheepishly, twirling the ends of your black silky hair. "i've had a crush on him for so long, it's taken you guys forever to figure it out.
"WHAT" On-jo yells, causing the whole cafeteria to look in our direction.
"shshshshsh" you shush her quickly, putting your hand over her mouth whilst looking around to see who's looking at you both. You end up locking eyes with Cheong-san and give him a small smile before turning back to On-jo to give her a small smack across the head.
"ouch, sorry..but what?? how have i never noticed" She rubs her head.
"i don't know, i guess i don't make it that obvious the majority of the time. I'm just so tired of him not looking at me the same way." you replied, frowning. You all walk over to the line to place your trays down and I-sak parts ways with you and On-jo. You and On-jo continue to walk closer to the glass doors ahead of you both.
"i'm sure he does, y/n. have you told him ho-" On-jo starts but gets cut of by the sounds of screaming coming from the glass doors across from them.
You unhook your arm from On-jo's and pull her back as the sound of banging on the glass doors seem to get louder and not even a minute later you start to see piles of people screaming and running away from something. You quickly grab On-jo's arm as you both walk backwards slowly wondering what the scene in front of you is.
On-jo grips onto your arm tightly and turns you guys around to look for where I-sak is and to look for a way out before whatever they're running from makes it into the room. Before you guys can even start walking the glass doors break and you both quickly turn around to face them. People are screaming as they're getting bitten by other students.
"what the fuck?" You whisper under your breath, "On-jo we have to leave, something weird is going on."
On-jo nods her head as you guys desperately look for another exit.
"y/n!! look out!" You hear from across the room, you turn to the side where the familiar voice came from and see Cheong-San pointing to something behind you whilst trying to run over to you and On-jo but can't because of the chaos in the room.
You turn around and see somebody with blood all over their mouth running towards you. Before you could even react to this 'thing' in front of you, it jumps onto you causing On-jo to let go and causing you to scream whilst trying to desperately push this person off of you. You notice On-jo running off out of the corner of your eye because more creatures keep flowing towards you guys.
"Get off me!!" You manage to get out, slowly losing your strength because of how strong the person above you is. You look around to observe your surroundings, you notice Cheong-san finally seeing an opening and he runs towards you to help get this creature off you. He kicks it with all his strength and it finally hits the ground, releasing you.
"Are you okay?" Cheong-San asks, helping you stand up.
"Yes...i think so. What was that?" You reply, wiping the blood off your face.
"I don't know but we have to get out of here." He replies, grabbing your hand and dragging you off to find an exit that isn't surrounded by those things.
"There." You point to a group of students climbing out of a nearby window.
He lets go of your hand and pulls you in front of him, holding onto your shoulders steering you around the room. You both finally reach the window after a good five minutes of fighting off people trying to bite you.
"You go first" Cheong-san says to you, gently pushing you in front of him to indicate for you to escape.
"Okay, but make sure to come right after me." You reply, climbing out of the window.
You fall to the ground not realising how big of a distance it was, but at that moment a silly little hit on your head didn't matter. This was life or death.
You stand up and brush yourself off, looking up towards the window there was no sign of Cheong-san climbing out.
"Cheong-san?" You call out worried. "Cheong-san hurry up!!"
You look to your right and see people screaming whilst getting ripped apart by others. You quickly turn to the left and see an opening.
"y/n" Cheong-san says holding out his hand for you to help him down. He stumbles out of the window and grabs onto your hand pulling you to the left towards the opening you eyed earlier.

word count: 923 words
hi guys! i hope you liked the first chapter of my fan fiction :) please leave comments on what you think as it really helps!! thank you for reading <3

𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐨𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 // Cheong-san x reader 🫶Where stories live. Discover now