classroom chaos..

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You and cheong-san reach the opening but before you could leave one of the infected sprints towards you guys, causing you both to stumble backwards surprised.
"Here!" Cheong-san pulls you along to a new exit, exposing you both to the reality of what's happening in the school.
"Woah." You whisper, "This is not looking good for us." You state the obvious as you both look around at the hoard of infected surrounding the space around you.
"This way!!" You tap Cheong-san's arm and start running off in a direction towards a truck that had crashed nearby considering there was a window to a hallway above.
You both make it through the window and run desperately through the halls and up the stairs trying to find a way that doesn't have anyone whos infected. Eventually you reach a room with your classmates in it, but no matter how hard you knock they refuse to let you in until Cheong-san opens the window yelling at them to let you both in.
Gyeong Su finally opens the door after pushing Wu-jin off of him and you both run inside panting.
"Took you long enough, are you trying to get us killed?" You say in between breaths.
"No, we're trying to stay alive you selfish shithead" Na-yeon whinges.
Her voice gave you a headache so you chose to ignore her stupid remark. You go over to On-Jo and I-sak and hug them both tightly.
"I'm sorry I ran off leaving you there, y/n. It was wrong of me" On-jo says tearing up.
"It's okay don't worry, you were just trying to stay alive. I understand." You reply back smiling.
"Does anyone know what's going on?" you ask soon after, turning around to face everyone.
Before anybody can reply there's banging on the window. Everybody gasps and turn around to see what's going on, and to the groups surprise we see Nam-ra and Su-Hyeok knocking on the window to be let in. You run over to the window and open the window to help the two climb inside.
"Thanks." Su-Hyeok says using your shoulder as something to grip onto to help his balance, Nam-ra doing the same shorty after.
Su-Hyeok leans his hands on his knees bending over and panting as he tries to gain his breath back.
"Train to busan." Cheong-san speaks up.
"What?"- Dae-su questions.
"Zombies" Su-Hyeok and you say together.
"No way." Ji-Min squeaks out, "I refuse to believe there are zombies in our school."
You got away from the window and sat down on the floor next to Su-Hyeok.
"It would make sense to call them zombies, think about it. They're running around aimlessly at anyone who hasn't been infected, and to get infected you need to get bitten. Or so i assume, I haven't been paying attention considering I've been trying to stay alive." You speak up, rubbing your ankle that you twisted earlier.
"Y/n is right." Cheong-san says, "every infected person in the cafeteria wanted to bite the normal ones, and they were able to stay alive even after their flesh being ripped apart. Nobody is bleeding to death, they're just...turning?"
"mhm, i agree." You nod your head in agreement alongside everybody else in the room doing the same.
"Zombies.." you mutter to yourself, "Of course this had to happen." You let out a big sigh.
You notice Coach kang looking through the door that Gyeong su is currently guarding. Before you can say anything, coach starts to bang on the door aggressively causing everybody to jump.
Gyeong su opens the door and coach kang rushes inside.
We hear a shriek coming from the back of the class.
"Why'd you let him in?!?!!?" A familiar voice whines.
You sigh, Na-yeon is whining yet again.
"Because he seems fine, stop whining please. If we're going to get through this alive, we don't want to deal with you whining the whole time." You say resting your head back on the drawers behind you and closing your eyes whilst the majority of the group nods in agreement.
"Shut up slut." She hisses back at you, causing you to open your eyes and glare at her.
"Woah, hey that was uncalled for." Dae-su speaks up.
"Shut up all of you, we should start making a barricade to cover the doors with." Coach kang interrupts just before you can go over and put Na-yeon in her place.
"Fine." You reply, sighing.
Everybody gets moving and grabs chairs and tables to stack in front of the door, but before anyone can make it taller than it already is I-sak starts to talk.
"Sir...your arm." I-sak says with a shaky voice.
You look over to coach kangs arm as he's standing next to you and notice a bite mark. You place the chair you're holding down.
"Coach, is that a bite mark?" You speak up.
Coach looks down at his arm and pulls his sleeve over it hiding the bite and glares at you. He grabs your hair and throws you to the ground.
"How dare you accuse me of being bitten?? I come in here and try to help you all as the only adult and this is how you treat me?" He spits at you and lets go of your hair allowing you to stand yourself upright.
"Excuse me for looking out for everyone" You spit back brushing yourself off and rubbing your head considering he tugged on your hair pretty hard.
"You didn't need to hurt her sir." Cheong-san speaks up, "Show us your arm if you're not bit."
Everybody takes a step back from coach and agrees for him to show his arm.
"for fucks sake" he curses, "seriously?? you guys don't believe me?"
"Show us your arm!! You want us to believe you? Just show it to us." I-sak yells out in fear.
"How dare you talk to me like that?!" Coach starts to walk towards I-sak but before he can reach her he falls to the ground, his bones crunching.
"Shit. we shouldn't have stalled, it's too late now." Wu-Jin says worriedly.
Cheong-san grabs your arm and pulls you away from coach as everyone watches in fear wondering what's going to happen next even though you all know the answer.
His bones crunch as he bends upwards, standing up. His nose starts to bleed and his eyes are blood red. His neck starts to crunch and before anyone has time to react he lunges towards Min ji who doesn't have time to react. Before she can kick him off, he bites into her neck releasing a blood curdling scream from her.
You go over to the barricade and pull off a chair to throw at him but by the time you grab the chair it's already too late. She's turned.
"Guys we have to leave." Su-hyeok announces and everybody nods, scrambling to the barricade to reveal the door that got hidden.
Dae-su kicks Min-ji off of him with sadness showering his face and throws her out the window. You run over to him and grab his arm to drag him out of the classroom with everybody else who's desperately trying to escape.
You run back into the class to grab the phone you guys left behind and run out into the hallway to join the others.

word count: 1253
woo second chapter of my fan fiction complete 💪 how are you guys liking it so far? please comment and support my book at it helps me keep motivated :) thank you <3

𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐨𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 // Cheong-san x reader 🫶Where stories live. Discover now