science and tears...

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(I feel like everybody can remember them running through the hallway making their way to the lab, if i write it then this chapter would be too long, i apologise)

after a painful desperate escape, everybody finally made it to the science lab besides one person..
On-jo scans the room whilst everybody is making a barricade for the broken windows.
"Su-hyeok? Where's Su-hyeok?" She questions with worry laced in her voice.
Everybody looks around the room as they realise he didn't make it into the room.
"Well..he was right behind me." Cheong-san replies.
"where is he now?" She replies, almost spitefully.
"On-jo..i'm sure he's off in a room by himself somewhere since he didn't have time to catch up with us. You know how good of a fighter he is, not to mention his speed. He'll be fine." You speak up, placing your hand on her shoulder.
She looks up at you with sad eyes and walks off to help build the barricade.
You walk over to one of the free desks that hasn't been used. You sit down and place your head on the table trying to catch your breath whilst trying to process what the fuck just happened.
"Man i hate this school even more" You mumble to yourself.
"what was that?" Cheong-san asks, walking over to you.
"I said i hate this school even more now, I mean why did this have to happen today? As soon as i finally force myself to get out of bed and go to school a zombie apocalypse happens? unbelievable." You reply, lifting your head up and sighing.
"It's not all about you. We don't want to be here either, you know? How about you actually doing something instead of sitting there like the lazy shithead you are." Na-yeon spitefully spits at you.
Everybody looks at you waiting for how you're going to respond to the girl who just insulted you, but you're too tired to even think about how much you hate her.
"I know it's not all about me, I never said it was. And what do you expect me to do? I'm not a magic wizard that can get us help? Even if i leave the room, I'll just turn into a zombie. What good would that do?" You replied, yawing.
"It would be much better than you sitting in here, whore." She spits back.
"Hey, stop talking to her like that. What's your problem?" Gyeong su quickfully defends you.
"Whatever" You sigh.
You look over to your right and see On-Jo and I-sak talking by the window so you decide to go and join them, you find you haven't talked to them that much during this whole...event.
"Hey." On-jo says with a small smile as she sees you waking over.
"hey" You reply back, returning the smile, "I-sak are you okay? You look...pale."
On-jo turns to look at I-sak and nods.
"You do...and your hand..your hand is really cold I-sak."
"Pale? Cold?" She questions.
You start to pull On-jo away with tears in your eyes.
"No.." You whisper, "She can't be right? I mean..when would she have gotten bit? I was beside her the whole time.."
"I'm fine..right?" I-sak says while her nose starts to bleed and her eyes start to go red, "I wasn't bit i swear."
Everybody starts to glance at you three, wondering what all the commotion is about. Na-yeon lifts her head up off the desk.
"What? Were you bit?!" She exclaims.
"I said i wasn't!!" I-sak yells back.
I-sak runs towards the mirror in the room and stares at herself, she can't recognize the reflection.
You walk over to I-sak, leaving On-jo by the window.
"I-sak?" You whisper, placing a hand on her shoulder.
She turns to face you, tears rolling down her cheeks.
"I'm fine" She says, trying to smile.
"I-sak..." You start but you don't get to finish as I-sak falls to the ground in front of you, bones crunching.
You stand there in shock, not knowing what to do or how to react. This is I-sak..your best friend since the 3rd grade.
I-sak lies there on the ground as her bones crunch. You walk backwards slowly but your back collides with a desk. I-sak stands up and her neck crunches as she runs towards you. You lean to the right and grab a chair as she jumps onto you causing you to go on top of the desk. You hold the chair against her neck, stopping her mouth from having contact with your skin.
"'s me, y/n" you say, tears rolling down your cheeks.
I-sak growls in return. Cheong-san runs over with another chair and starts hitting I-sak aggressively to help you out. I-sak eventually falls onto the floor but it's not long before she's trying to run at you again. You quickly slide off the table and go underneath it at she lunges at you.
"someone do something!!!" Na-yeon screeches across the room.
"they're trying!!" Gyeong su replies.
"Try harder" she shrieks.
Cheong-san helps you out from under the desk and asks you if you're okay and in return he receives a little nod.
I-sak starts running towards On-Jo who's still standing by the open window. You run over towards On-jo and pull her out the way, causing I-sak to fall out of the window and onto the grass below.
The room is left in silence. On-jo shoves your hand off of her arm and pushes you out of the way so she can sit off on her own. You get the feeling she's upset..who isn't? But is she upset at you? Would she rather you let her get bit and lose both of your best friends?
"Come help us block this, they're going to climb over." Gyeong su says quietly but loud enough for you and Cheong-san to hear.
You walk over towards where Dae su and joon yeong were, climbing up onto the desk to push the chairs towards the zombies who are trying to climb over, causing the two boys on either side of you to blush since they've never been this close to a girl before. After a bit, the zombies stop pushing so hard allowed you to sit down in between them and rest a bit.
"Are you okay? I know you and I-sak were close.." Dae su questions, looking at you.
You turn your head to face him and plant a small, but sad smile on your face.
"I'm not okay, but who is in the situation?" You question him back.
"Good point." He nods and you turn back to the classroom in front of you.
"Here, help me make some knots." A muffled voice says.
You open your eyes and see Cheong-san, Ji-Min and Gyeong su making knots with the hose from earlier. You must've fallen asleep. You nudge Joon Yeong who was still sitting next to you since Dae su had left to help with the knots.
"How long was i asleep for?" You ask him.
"Twenty minutes or so, you need to sort out your snoring problem." He says chuckling
"hey!" you reply, gently pushing him. You chuckle.
"Let's get down and help them figure out a plan" You say while sliding off the desk. He gives a nod and slides off with you.
"Cheong-san, what's the plan" You ask, walking over towards him and the others who are standing by an open window.
"I'm going to climb down and check for empty classrooms, and call when it's clear to come down and join me. Only one person at a time on the rope though, otherwise it may shake and someone might fall." He replies.
You nod your head. "Be careful."
He nods and starts to climb down the hose.

word count: 1347 words
what did you guys think of this chapter? sorry for not including the iconic hallway scene..i find that it would be too stressful to try get every detail right about how they fought so i just left it since i'm assuming everyone that's reading this knows what hallway scene i'm talking about :)

𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐨𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 // Cheong-san x reader 🫶Where stories live. Discover now