survival, music and a kiss

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"gwi-nam?" you question, looking at the boy who is kneeled on the principle tying the poor man up with a knife against his neck
"ah, y/n. long time no see." he replies, smirking.
"yep" you reply, not interested at all in what he wants from you. You've always hated him, because he's a bully and because he dated your sister but broke her heart. He's a player and a cheater.
"What are you doing?" Cheong-san questions gwi-nam and you nod along
"What do you think I'm doing?" He replies, "This cunt wanted me to go out there with those things and get his car for him, can you believe it?"
"I mean.. he is the principle? Shouldn't you have some respect for him?" You answer with a shaky voice considering he's armed.
"Did you seriously just say that? You cunt." Gwi-Nam spits at you.
You flinch at the sudden insult and take a step backwards as he raises his knife to remind you whos got the higher ground.
You look over at Cheong-san and notice he's filming, soon after you notice so does Gwi-Nam.
"What do you think you're doing?" Gwi-Nam asks.
"If you don't let the principle go, I'll show this video to the police." Cheong-san speaks up.
"What the fuck kid? You're expelled now, do you hear me??" The principle spits at Gwi-nam
Gwi-Nam raises his knife and placed it against the principles neck.
"Stop." You say firmly, "What's your problem? Just stop acting like human garbage"
"I'm gonna kill you both if you don't stop filming Cheong-san, and shut your filthy mouth Y/n. You're just a stupid slut like your sister." He laughs.
"Don't talk to her like that" Cheong-san defends you.
"Or what?" Gwi-nam questions and laughs after Cheong-san is left in silence.
"Don't you get it? I'm the new boss of this school" Gwi-nam speaks again
"Don't make me laugh" Cheong-san replies, "You're just a fucking loser who will serve bullies, for his entire life."
Gwi-nam's smile fades and you just know what Cheong-san said wasn't a good idea, whether it was true or not.
Gwi-nam starts to slowly walk over to you both.
"Yeah? say that again." He says angrly.
The principle sees this as a chance to escape now that Gwi-nam isn't towering over him, but he isn't successful as Gwi-nam turns around and runs over to slice his throat open before he could even think about running for help.
You gasp, covering your mouth with your hands.
"Yo-you.. just killed the principle." You stated the obvious.
"So am i..still a loser?" Gwi-nam says as he walks over towards you both wiping the bloody knife on his already blood stained shirt, "Are you with me or not? The phone."
"you just murdered-" Cheong-san says but is cut off by Gwi-nam
"GIVE ME THE PHONE" Gwi-Nam yells.
You both turn quickly towards the door to try open it but Gwi-nam is too quick. Gwi-nam runs over to you guys and swings his knife, but you both duck in time. You fall to the ground whilst Cheong-san stumbles backwards. Gwi-nam turns around and kicks Cheong-san in the chest before he could even regain his balance.
"Cheong-san!!" You scream, standing up and pushing Gwi-nam out the way to go help Cheong-san stand up again.
You help Cheong-san up and allow him to catch his breath since the kick winded him. You then look over and see the phone that had slid on the other side of the room, but you notice Gwi-nam also eyeing the phone. He turns to you and makes eye contact for a good couple seconds. Before he could start running, you sprint over to the phone.
As you're just about to reach for the phone, Gwi-nam catches up to you and kicks your waist, causing you to crash into the couch groaning in pain.
"Y/n!!" Cheong-san yells, running over to your side.
"Get the phone" You reply back, standing up in pain.
Cheong-san tackles Gwi-nam, causing him to drop the phone. You quickly rush over and pick up the phone.
"Come on!" You yell towards Cheong-san while running towards the door, with Cheong-san right behind you.
You swing open the door and run into the hall avoiding any zombies coming towards you.
You both run straight ahead looking for any room you could run into. You guys end up running into the library and climbing onto separate bookshelves. You notice Cheong-san getting pushed onto the floor but then soon climbing onto the other one next to it straight away.
You stand up and jump across the bookshelves and then jump onto the one next to Cheong-san. Gwi-Nam comes into the library shortly after. He climbs onto the bookshelf and jumps across to the one in front of Cheong-san which happens to be the on you're on too.
You kick him but he doesn't budge since you didn't use all your power.
"Shit" You mumble.
Gwi-nam crawls towards you, aiming to stab your right arm but you move just in time for him to not stab you but not quick enough to miss fully. You scream in pain as his knife carves into your skin leaving a wound.
"Y/n!" Cheong-san yells
Gwi-nam snaps his head towards the boy and jumps onto his bookshelf.
Gwi-nam gets on top of cheong-san and starts to choke him.
You slowly sit up, holding your bleeding arm and turn around to see what's going on.
You turn to your right and see Cheong-san struggling to breath.
You pull out the phone out of your pocket.
"Cheong-san!" You yell, throwing him the phone.
He catches it and stabs Gwi-nam in the eye with the corner of the phone.
Gwi-nam starts screaming in pain and Cheong-san takes this as an opportunity to push Gwi-nam into the zombies crowded around the bookshelf.
"Help me! Cheong-san help!" Gwi-nam screams as the zombies start tearing apart his skin.
"I'm gonna kill you both!" Is the last you heard from Gwi-nam, all you could hear were the snarls around him and heavy breathing from both you and Cheong-san.
"We have to go" Cheong-san says as he jumps onto your bookshelf.
You nod your head and follow him, jumping across all the bookshelves but they all start to tumble over as you jump across because of the zombies that were pushing on the first one.
Just as you're both about to jump onto the last bookshelf, a zombie rams into the one you're both on causing you guys to fall backwards. The bookshelf behind you falling on top of you, making you trapped between the two shelves.
"fuck" you say, holding your head, "I'm so dizzy"
"We just have to get out of here, come on" Cheong-san says firmly.
You felt a bit hurt how he was dismissing you, but he was right.
You start pushing all the books out the way and sliding your way towards an opening, Cheong-san following close behind.
You both quickly climb out to be greeted with zombies all around you.
"Shit" You say, grabbing a book and shoving it into a zombies mouth and pushing it away from you.
You wince at the pain coming from your arm and realised that it's starting to bleed a whole lot more than before, but chose to ignore because the aim is to just get out of the library.
Cheong-san grabs your hand and drags you out of the library, slamming the door on all the zombies faces.
You both run down the hall and run into the closest room which happened to be the music room as a hoard of zombies surround you both. You quickly shut the door behind you.
You walk over to a desk and sit on top of it, with your legs dangling down. You take off your cardigan, leaving you in just a white school t-shirt with your knife wound exposed.
Cheong-san comes and sits next to you.
"Shit, are you okay? I didn't realise it was that bad." Cheong-san asks, pointing to the bleeding wound.
"I'm gonna be alright." You reply, "It's just stinging and I think i've lost a lot of blood, that's why im dizzy."
You look up from your wound and see Cheong-san staring at you in awe.
"What?" You chuckle nervously.
Cheong-san gives a small smile before leaning in to give you a kiss. He places his soft lips onto yours and you connect yours with his. After a couple seconds go by, he pulls away.
You look him in the eyes and give him a small smile.
"So.." You start but Cheong-san cuts you off
"y/n..i've liked you for so many years now. I love your smile, the way your eyes glow when you're happy, your braveness, how your hair flows in the wind. I love you. Will you be my girlfriend y/n l/n?" He announces, holding your hands in his.
Tears start filling your eyes, "Yes, yes i will be your girlfriend."
You place your hand on his cheek and connect your lips with his, then resting your forehead on his.
"We need to clean your wound" He says after a couple of minutes.
You nod and get up to look for water or anything to wrap it with to stop the bleeding.
"Here." Cheong-san says grabbing your attention, you turn around and see him sitting on a table with a school bag.
"Where'd you find that?" You ask, sitting down next to him.
"It was in the corner, i assume somebody left it here by accident." He shrugs.
You watch as he unzips the bag to reveal a half full water bottle, with gym clothes, an apple and books.
Cheong-san grabs the water bottle and carefully pours some onto your wound, causing you to wince in pain.
"Sorry, are you alright?" He asked worriedly.
"I'm good." You reassured.
He rips the gym shirt and wraps a bit around your wound.
"all done." he says, smiling.
"Thank you doctor" You replied, smiling back.
You stare into his eyes, deeply in love with him and he starts back into yours.
All of a sudden you hear the speakers and muffled sounds coming out of them.
"Uh, mic test, one, two, one, two." Dae-su's voice comes through the speaker.
"Dae-su?" You question as you watch Cheong-san walk towards the speaker.
"Cheong-san? Y/n are you there?" he continues.
All of a sudden we hear Su-hyeoks voice booming through the speaker.
"guys? do you hear us? It's Su-hyeok. We'll come to you so stay put."
"Don't come moran. You're gonna get bit" Cheong-san speaks towards the speaker.
You sigh and walk over to him.
"They'll be okay, they're smart." You reassure him.
He looks at you and nods with a hint of worry still lingering in his eyes.
"I know what you'll say, but we can't hear you here." Su-hyeok continues, "so both of you don't go anywhere. Wait for us. You really can't go anywhere, okay? We'll come now."
"This can't end well" Cheong-san states
"Cheong-san, y/n..please stay still. Y/n..make sure Cheong-san listens because he never listens to me." On-jo suddenly says through the speakers a few seconds before the meditation music starts playing.
You look at Cheong-san and chuckle.
"Come on..let's sit down and eat. I think i saw an apple in the school bag before." You mention before walking off to the table.
He sighs before following you over to the table.
"So is this going to be a, you take a bite and i take a bite type of thing or..?" You question, juggling the apple.
"hang on, give it here" Cheong-san says holding out his hand.
You place the apple in his hand and he places both thumbs in the middle of the apple and then breaks it in half.
"That works too" You say smiling.

you both sit there on the table in comfortable silence whilst eating the apple, when all of a sudden the door swings open.

word count: 2093

hi!! how is everyone liking the book so far? i think the chapters may be getting longer, i hope that's okay! please leave comments and support as it really motivates me to keep writing ! thanks <3

𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐨𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 // Cheong-san x reader 🫶Where stories live. Discover now