trapped again

600 7 0

cheong-san leads the way down the stairs, you following close behind with your hands connected.

The group slowly and carefully walks behind in a line, making sure to make no noise that would attract the zombies.

"Careful, careful" Hyo-ryeong whispers to Ji-min.

Cheong-san takes each step with care and you do the same.

"Don't let go of my hand." He whispers to you.

You nod your head and continue walking.

Everybody slowly makes their way down the stairs with caution.

You place your foot down on the last step when all of a sudden you slip on a piece of cloth causing a small yelp to fall out of your mouth as you fall backwards, slamming down on your back. 

Everyone comes to a halt and look around anxiously to see if any zombies are coming.

Cheong-san's hand slips out of yours and he turns around with a look of worry. You look at the zombie that's not too far away with your hand over your mouth making sure it didn't hear anything, but luckily it didn't as it shuffles out of sight slowly.

You remove your hand from your mouth and give a small sigh of relief.

Cheong-san looks at you with worried eyes as he kneels down to help you up. You place your hands in his as helps you stand up.

You stay holding his hands as everyone follows along again.

You all make it to the ground floor and slowly make your way outside in the cold rain.

You all crouch down by a truck, getting ready to crawl underneath it as there's no other way to get around it.

"I'll go first" Dae-su whisper as he rushes over and crawls underneath with Joon-yeong and Wu-jin following behind.

Cheong-san stands up and looks over the truck whilst you sit down on the ground catching your breath you never knew you were holding.

"Is that you, mom?" He whispers loud enough for you to hear it.

You slowly stand up beside Cheong-san and look ahead at the zombie that's standing on the other side of the truck.

His mom.

You gently put your hand on Cheong-sans shoulder.

Cheong-san starts to climb onto the truck to go to the other side but you quickly pull him back down, meanwhile Dae-su and the others make it to the other side of the truck.

"What the hell?!" Dae-su exclaims as he sees the zombie, "there's another zombie here!"

Dae-su kicks Cheong-sans mom to the ground and Cheong-san slowly stands up to see what's happening.

Joon-yeong crawls out from under the car and joins dae-su in hitting and pushing away cheong-sans mom who is now a zombie.

"Stop it." Cheong-san mumbles

𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐨𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 // Cheong-san x reader 🫶Where stories live. Discover now