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You're the last one left in the science lab, waiting for On-jo to reach the broadcasting room with all the others.
"Y/n!! you can go now!!" She yells as she reaches the room.
You slowly climb out of the window so you don't slip and fall, when a familiar voice catches your attention.
"Y/n?" Su-hyeok questions if its really you climbing out of the window. He's standing on the other side of a pipe.
"Su-Hyeok? Climb around once I'm a little lower and climb down the hose. Don't wait until I'm in the room, I have no idea how long the zombies are going to last with just chairs blocking them." You say, glancing into the room ahead of you with worry in your eyes.
"It'll be fine" Su-Hyeok reassures you.
You climb down shakely, being careful with every step you take. You finally make it down to the broadcasting room, Su-hyeok shortly after you.
"Su-hyeok?" everybody says, surprised but also glad he's okay.
"Are you okay?" Cheong-san asks you, holding your arms.
You give a small nod, "yes, I made it down okay."
You look to the side to see On-jo sitting there staring at the two of you with a small smile plastered on her face.
"I'll be back." You smile to Cheong-san and he gives a nod while he walks over to lecture Su-hyeok for going off on his own.
You walk over to On-Jo and sit beside her.
"You cannot tell me he doesn't have a crush on you, y/n." She says excitedly.
"Okay okay fine, i am a bit convinced he might like me back. I don't want to get ahead of myself or too attached though. What if I lose him?" You reply, frowning.
"Don't think like that. Ever." On-jo replies back firmly, holding your hand tightling.
You sigh and pull your legs to your chest, for some sort of comfort and because it was getting later in the evening which meant it was getting colder. You were only wearing a thin white school t-shirt underneath your cardigan, not to mention you didn't wear your sweatpants underneath your pleated skirt so you were stuck with bare legs, long-ish socks and sneakers.
"Wait. They still work right? Uh, internet. The internet. Let's see. Sorry, Ms Park" Joon-yeong apologises as he pushes dae-su and Ms parks out of the way. He sits down in a chair in front of the computer that's placed on the opposite side of the table from where I'm sitting. Everybody gets up and surrounds him, whilst you go stand near the window.
"It should work, is it on?" Joon-yeong mumbles.
"I think so" Dae-su mutters unsure
"What's the problem? Why is it not turning on?" Ms park questions as Wu-jin lets go and walks over to the computer leaving you by the window.
"It just did" Wu-jin exclaims pointing to the screen
"Oh, sorry" Ms Park mutters.
"School ones are so slow." Joon-yeong complains.
"Su-Hyeok, did you see it?" Nam-ra questions as she taps Su-hyeok's shoulder.
"What?" Su-hyeok questions
"In the science lab" Nam-ra explains.
"Well, i was actually in the art room...What's in the science lab?" Su-hyeok asks
"Uh, well.." Nam-ra mumbles.
"It worked" Joon-yeong murmurs.
"Okay. Open the browser" Wu-jin informs.
"The browser" Joon-yeong whispers
"Look up 'zombie virus'" Wu-jin orders.
"That'll work" You say sarcastically, and they all turn to look at you but you put your hands up in defence and they all turn back to the screen in front of them.
"Yeah, 'zombie virus'"
"No. Try Hyosan"
"see whats trending"
"Look up emergency alerts"
"The news"
"There'll be no article yet"
"Yeah go to the news"
"What are we looking up?"
You let out a big sigh, sick of the group bickering.
"Check social media. People will most likely have shared a video, or a message warning people? Try facebook." You announce.
They all turn to look at you yet again, but this time they're nodding in agreement.
"Yes..yes facebook good idea." Joon-yeong agrees.
Cheong-san walks over to you and stands next to you for company.
"Hey, are you doing alright? you seemed kind of annoyed before." he asks, worried.
"Yeah im doing okay, i don't know. I'm just frustrated because what if we never escape? What about out parents? What about the police? Is nobody coming to save us? Do we have to save ourselves? I find that quite unfair, we're students. We shouldn't have to always save ourselves." You vent to him.
He nods in agreement but before he can reply you feel a sharp pain in the back of your head and you crash to the ground with a loud gasp as the hose that was outside smashed through the window, smacking into the back of your head harshly. You sit up slowly and touch the back of your head. You sigh as you feel blood mixing in with your hair.
Cheong-san rushes by your side.
"Hey, are you okay?" He asks, helping you stand up but it takes a second since you're feeling dizzy.
"Yeah, I'm just a bit dizzy." You reply, holding his hands tightly so you don't lose balance.
He still holds your hand as he walks over to the window to inspect what happened.
"What the hell?" Dae-su curses.
"Did someone not make it in?" Wu-jin asks.
"No..everybody made it in" Ji-min speaks up.
"Hey.." you start to say, tugging on Cheong-sans hand, "Get back. I have a bad feeling"
Cheong-san listens and takes a couple steps back so you both end up standing next to Nam-ra and Su-hyeok.
"Must've been the wind" You mumble, looking around the room to find something to place over the blood.
"Are you okay, y/n?" Hyo-ryung asks worried, "The hose hit your head quite hard."
You plant a smile and nod.
"Yes, it justs stings a little is all."
She nods and turns away to face the computer again. 
You walk over and sit down at the table, across from where everyone else is sitting. You quietly wince in pain as you place some tissues over your wound to help the bleeding. Cheong-san notices you and comes over to sit next to you. He gently takes off your hand and holds the tissues in place for you. You give him a small smile as a thanks considering you're too tired to talk.
A couple of minutes go by and the internet cuts out causing everyone to groan, not that it made much difference. Seeing the outside world was making them lose all hope in escaping without getting bitten.
Everybody parts their ways and sits down either in silence or small talk. You notice your eyelids start to feel heavy and your head feels lightheaded. You turn to look at Cheong-san but before you can inform him, everything goes dark and your head bangs onto the table with your arm underneath.
"Y/n?" A muffled voice says.
You slowly open your eyes and look up to find that everybody in the room is staring at you with some type of worry planted on their faced.
"Argh, why does that keep happening?" You mumble the question to yourself, but the boy beside you hears it.
"Are you okay y/n?" Ji-min questions
"Oh yeah I'm fine, don't worry about me!!" You reassure everyone, "I think I'm just pretty tired."
Cheong-san looks at you with suspicion, he knows something isn't right but he doesn't want to hammer you with questions just yet.
You look around the room and notice the computer is gone and so are Ms Park, Na-yeon and Gyeong-su..
"wait, what happened?" You question, "Where did Ms Park, Na-yeon and Gyeong-su go?"
They all look at each other and turn back to you to fill you in on what happened.
After they spill what went on whilst you were asleep, you sit there astonished.
"Hold up. Na-yeon accused Gyeong-su of being a zombie? and then murdered him?" You repeat what they just told you, whispering the last bit. "and you guys didn't wake me up???"
"Well we tried, but you wouldn't budge." Nam-ra mentions.
"Oh, oops." You say, feeling embarrassed.
"Hey, Cheong-san? I'm so sorry about Gyeong-su.." You turn to look at him with teary eyes and he gives you a hug while he silently sobs into your shoulder. "We should go to the teachers office, and get a phone. So we can call for help." You suggest after a couple of minutes to break the silence. "Sure." He replies, "But how will we get there?"

You point to the window. "There. We can climb out of the window and walk across the side of the school."

He thinks about it for a second.
"Okay." He nods.
You both tell the rest of the group the plan.
"I'm coming with you guys." Su-Hyeok says without hesitance.
You and Cheong-san give a nod as you three start to walk over to the window. You climb up and turn around to look at everyone. You notice all of their facial expressions, how all of them look so worried but so drained from believing somebody is going to save them.
"Come on, let's move." You snap out of your gaze and start to shuffle along the wall with Su-Hyeok and Cheong-san right behind you.
You guys reach the teachers office and open the window, and quietly enter the room. You turn around and see Cheong-san and Su-Hyeok right behind you, turning back around you sigh with relief.
Su-hyeok and Cheong-san go in front of you, and you follow close behind. You all crouch down on the ground and crawl your way along towards the teachers desk when all of a sudden you hear...cracking sounds?
You tap Cheong-sans shoulder as an indication for him to stop. He turns around and so does Su-Hyeok, with confused looks on their faces. You point ahead towards the girl that is smashing all the phones.
"What is she doing?" You question.
They both turn and look in the direction you're pointing in.
"Weird" they both whisper back.
You look around to try find a phone that hasn't been smashed, when all of a sudden a phone slides right in front of you guys. You gently push past Cheong-san and Su-Hyeok and they both blush at the sudden touch of you brushing past them. You reach your hand out to grab the phone but when you look up to see if the girl is still distracted, you find that she's staring right at you.
"Shit." You say.
"I'm going to fucking kill you!!" The girl screams as she tries lunging towards you, but you quickly grab the phone and stand up.
Su-Hyeok and Cheong-san quickly stand up too as they notice what's happening. You try to turn around but she grabs your ankle and you fall to the ground, also dropping the phone.
"Y/n!" Su-Hyeok and Cheong-san yell.
You kick her grip off and stand up again, picking up the phone meanwhile Cheong-san throws the girl into the cupboard. You turn the phone over and noticed it's been smashed.  You turn around to the table of phones, jumping over the table trying to avoid the zombies swarming into the room. Cheong-san comes over and joins you whilst Su-Hyeok gets stranded at the window.
"GO!" you yell towards him, "we'll meet up with you" Cheong-san chimes in as you both sprint out the room, dodging zombies as you run down the hallway. You find yourselves outside but not for long as there's zombies at every turning corner. You both decide to jump through and open window that leads into a hallway, and end up running into the principal's office where you spy a certain someone.

word count: 2039 words
i'm thinking about writing more all of us are dead fan fictions with different love interests, if any of you would like that please comment down below and say which love interest you'd like! thank you <3

𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐨𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 // Cheong-san x reader 🫶Where stories live. Discover now