Chapter 12

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The carriage stops in front of the massive golden gate of the most prestigious school of magic and talent, Fallenberg Academy.

“I would love to leave you be, but knowing what you are, I changed my mind,” I said while staring outside of the window and into the crowd of people outside the gate.

“Make sure to walk behind me, or dear Aunt Empress will hear about you, in a not very good light. Do you understand?” I asked Karolloi slowly, fixing my gaze towards him. He rolled his eyes while still sitting as if he owns my fucking carriage.

“I’ll take that as a yes. Do beware if you cause trouble today while you are under me, you won't be able to have a peaceful year within the fifteen corners of this prison like establishment,” I calmly said. It wasn't a threat, I was simply saying the truth. Although I already planned on making his life miserable, not that much as he is the crown prince and cousin of Helliana after all.

The coachman opened the door of the carriage after a couple of minutes just like I tasked him to do and bowed while we are walking out of the carriage.

At that very moment, it looks like a cliche scene of a cliche novel where in all of the people around the place gazed at the female lead of the novel.

“I’m not the female lead though?” I asked in a whisper, smirking while looking at the people who keeps on staring at us, as if staring at a God and Goddess who they saw for the very first time in their entire life and is amaze and terrified at the same time.

“What?” Karolloi asked when he saw me looking at him. I shrugged my shoulder and make my way towards the gate and Karolloi followed me, naturally.

“Tsk. The Actress has arrived,” I stopped at my track and looked in front of me. And what do you know? It’s the loser who dared to throw a brick on Helliana.

“Young Justin Adam, second son of Marquess Adam of the East State. You better know your place, sweetheart. Or you might find yourself in the clinic again, beaten up,” I casually said while looking directly to his eyes and saw him gulped. His terrified expression failed me to keep my serious expression and ended up showing how excited I am.

‘I can’t wait to make this extras’ life miserable AHAHAHAHA,’

I looked at Karolloi who is smirking behind me while looking at Young Adam and then he smirked at me. I just gave him my serious gaze and slowly walked away and passed the still terrified Young Adam.

“Oh my god! It's the romuored Saintess! Viviane Jane Herman!”

“Oh gosh! She looks like a goddess indeed!”

“Oh my god! She is so gorgeous, and super nice too!”

“You talked to her?”

“Waaaah so lucky,”

And what do you know? Just a moment ago, these people's attention were on me, but now that the female lead has appear in front of them, can they resist that urged to give her importance and start screaming and praising her beauty that is out of this world?

I once again stop from walking and faced the gate where Viviane, the female lead of this very story that I am in is smiling shyly at the people around her, even waving as if she’s a beauty queen who joined the Miss Universe and just won the crown.

Well, we can't deny that she is indeed beautiful, that's what the author create her to be. A skin that is white as snow and clear as a pearl, a hair that shines like the sun, and a smile that can melt every heart of the people who saw it.

That's how authors usually visualize their female lead in their story. Such cliche.

“I’m bored,” I was so shock to hear that from Karolloi very own lips. I looked at him with a bit of hesitation. This isn't supposed to be his words while staring at the female lead! Isn't he supposed to act all in love and hurriedly run towards Viviane?

“Are you crazy?” I blurted out. God, I can't help it.

“Am I crazy for being bored? You're the crazy one,” he answered while shaking his head and placing his hands inside his pocket and just keeps on staring at Vivianes’ smiley face with indeed a bored look.

‘Ha! I'm crazy? Well, maybe I am,’

I looked back at Viviane who is still at the schools entrance, smiling at the people who are surrounding her.  She acts as if it's the first time she is seeing a horde of people surrounding her, which it is.

Today is officially the first day of Viviane in Fallenberg Academy, and the start of the story ‘Viviane the Golden Flower’. Karolloi isn't supposed to be with me, and he isn't supposed to say he is bored while staring at Viviane from a far.

He should be walking with her as they walked inside the schools premises because Karolloi fell in love with Viviane the moment he gazes towards her when he stepped outside of his carriage.

“AHAHAHAHHAHAHAA!” I burst out laughing while thinking about the things that just happened today, it's still the afternoon, and there are a lot of things to do before the day ends. And I can't help but feel the excitement out of it.

“You're crazy, Helliana! Everyone is watching you,” Karolloi hushed me, but I can't seem to stop from laughing, even after knowing that everyone, including Viviane is looking at me.

The story is now changing, and it seems like it is because of me. Will the story indeed progress itself the way it is supposed to be without me even doing anything ? Yes, it will indeed. But will I stay still and do nothing? No way in hell!!

The plan will continue and will proceed, even if the plot of the story changes or not. Oh my god! I can't wait! My blood boils with excitement again! This world, is indeed such a blessing. I hope this won't be boring too fast.

“God! It's so fun,” I excitedly whispered and smirked at the clear blue sky before turning my back to it and enter the main building of Fallenberg Academy.

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