Chapter 14

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“DON'T you think pink suit me best?” Lani asked while swirling around my living room wearing a pink fairy dress with accessories and stuffs.

“Sure,” I boredly answered without looking at her.

“You are not supportive of your bestfriend! I am planning to wear this on my birthday!” she stomped her feet hard enough for it to cost a dent on the floor.

“Stop acting like a child, Lani. You always look beautiful, now, why don't you sit down and eat? Your birthday is tomorrow, not today, take off that dress, or it will wrinkle just like your forehead,” I said an placed the food I was cooking on the table for us to eat in this one fine afternoon.

“Fine! You better attend my birthday tomorrow okay?” she said, and excitedly eat when I nod at her.


“Boss, we just raided the TGangs hideout, and we won! Where are you?” Capricorn said on the phone.

“Good job. I'm not free right now, I'm on a very important event. Enjoy yourselves boys. I'll see you guys tomorrow, make sure all of the Zodiacs are present,” I answered before hanging up and walked towards the birthday venue of Lani.

Today is the ladys’ 22nd birthday, and she still loves to throw huge parties like this. Tsk.

The birthday party started with singing and dancing from close friends and colleagues of Lani and they all clapped in amusement and awe, including me with a serious face.

When the open dance is now open and everyone take turns on dancing with the birthday girl, my phone kept on ringing for an hour which I did not answer by the way, but it annoys me.

I signaled Lani who looked at me and raised my phone stating that I'll answer the phone first before we dance together. She nodded, and dance with someone else before I take my leave and went to the washroom to answer the phone.

“You guys know goddamn well that I am attending an important event! Why do you guys kept on calling me?” I angrily answered the phoned and asked.

“Boss! Cancer betrayed us! He killed almost everyone! Capricorn is in a critical situation, and he is coming after you. We have been trying to contact you but you—” I failed to hear what Gemini is saying when a horde of gunshot can be heard outside.

I hurriedly dropped my phone and ran outside, took my hidden gun and shit everyone in a uniform I am most familiar with. That's why people should really not trust anyone, you will never know when they will betray you for something like power and money.

“How dare you defy my orders, Cancer,” I angrily said. He just laughed at me and point his gun at me, I'm not afraid of bullets, so I did not waver even after he just shoot. He missed, he is a cowards as always.

“You missed,” I mockingly said. But, he just laughed.

“Or did I?” he asked. My eyes widen and hurriedly looked at the back only to see Lani kneeling on the ground with a gunshot on her stomach.


Mabilis akong nagising mula sa pagtulog ng umalingaw-ngaw sa aking ulo ang napakalakas na putok na iyon.

“Fuck! Bakit naman sa lahat ng puwedeng panaginipan eh iyon pa? Dammit!” malakas na tanong ko sa hangin. Ilang taon na ang nakalipas eh, anong silibi nitong mga ala-alang ito ngayon?

Mabilis kong pinunasan ang aking luhang kumawala sa aking mga mata at mabilis na umalis sa higaan upang buksan ang napakalaking kurtina sa gilid.

“Umaga na. Kailangan ko ng maghanda,” bulong ko sa sarili habang tinatanaw ang mga estudyanteng palabas ng dormitoryo.

“Are you inside, Lady Helliana?” a voice from the door emerges after three knocks. I just finished preparing is ready to leave.

“Oh, isn't it Ms. SCP? What brought you here?” I asked the moment I opened the door

I thought this lady here already left the school yesterday after giving me the uniform for the Student Council.

“I’ll be leaving today. But I just want to properly introduce you to the rest of the student council before I leave,” she answered.

I can't help but raised my eyebrows at her. I don't that one, I can properly introduce myself to them without her help. But nonetheless, I guess I'll just accept it. I can't say no to that aura, can I?

“Alright, lead the way,” I answered while closing the door of my dorm room. It such a good thing that students gets one room each and do not share with any other student, if I happen to have a room meet I will flip this whole school upside down at that very moment.

“I am truly sorry for not giving you a notice before announcing to everyone that you'll succeed the title yesterday,” she apologizes. Oh my god. People like us shouldn't apologize to anything.

‘Dear if anything, I should be thanking you for giving me this opportunity to showcase my leadership AHAHAHAHAHAHA,’

God. As if I'll ever say thank you to her. Let her think whatever, I don't even care anyway.

“I don't mind,” I answered her casually without looking at her.

We continued walking untill we get to the Student Council Office which is located at almost at the very corner of the school. A huge double door in oak tree with weird linings and designs engraved in it.

Almost all of the doors are the same, the only way to distinguish which on is which is the engraved words on the door which indicates what door is this that leads to. And this one is for the Student Council.

“Please, come inside,” paanyaya ni Ms. SCP sa akin na nginitian ko naman. Hindi ito iyong ngiting matamis o kahit anong ngiting nagpapahiwating ng kabutihan. Kung hindi ito ang ngiting sabik na sabik na simulan ang pananakop.

“Gladly,” sagot ko at naunang pumasok sa loob kumpara sa kaniya.

Sinag ng araw ang unang bumungad sa akin pagkapasok ko ngunit hindi ko iyon pinansin at ibinaling ang tingin sa mga tao sa loob na kung maka tayo at upo ay mga modelo na mayroong seryosong expresyon at mukhang hinihintay ang aming pagdating.


last update for this year. this lazy author of yours will take a year off officially. writing has become hard for me this past months. so even if you guys won't allow, I'll be seeing you guys next year. I may or may not see you again, as one of my reader and supporter, do know that I am very pleased and happy with all of your supports. I love you guys, to the moon and back.


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