akuma's note

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Good Morning, Akumatians!

°—°    It has been 29 days since I last updated Helliana’s story. Life has been full of turns lately and my mental health has really dropped the drain. I'm still writing this story, but I wrote it offline. I wasn't able to gather my confidence for the past 29 days as I feel like what I have written has no life at all. I tried editing my drafts and now I am ready to publish them one by one.

°—°    I know you might be feeling bored while reading this story, and I am sorry for that one. I am trying my best to make this story as entertaining as possible and I hope that you'll find it entertaining as well.

°—°    Bare with me guys, as I will indeed be back in action, but I guess I will still get lazy at times and decides not to update for how many days at that. Ahahahaha. Sorry for consistently bringing you down. BUT I WILL CERTAINLY DO MY BEST TO UPDATE TWO TIME A WEEK. WELL, ATLEAST THAT I CAN PROMISE YOU.

°—°    Thank you so much for always understanding and waiting for my updates. I appreciate every one of you.

yours truly,
the laziest writer of all time, akuma.

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