Chapter 3

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Leaning back on his chair and looking at the time he sighs and closing the laptop, he stood up and stretched his body. Taking his blazer and packing his belongs he holds his stuff and walks out of the cabin.

He walks through the corridor and seeing no one present at office he thought he's gone today. His mother won't leave him today.

She has always told him not work till late night but does this man listen to anyone. It's almost 10 o'clock and Manik Malthora is still office and working till late night.

He ruffles his hair and cracking his neck he walks out of office and giving a nod to guards heads to his car. He unlocks the car and opening the door placed his belongs on passenger seat and settles himself down.

He fastening his  seatbelt drove away to Malthora mansion. Unlocking the door he quietly sneaked inside the mansion and was about to head up to his room when he heard his mother voice.

He turns around and found her coming out of kitchen while yawning. He looks at her before moving towards her and asked what she was doing.

Manik : mom. Why are you still awake? You didn't sleep. How many times I told you not to wait for me?

Neyonika : what do you call this manu? Look at the time. How many times I have told you not over work? Why do you work so much? Did you have dinner?

Manik : sorry mom. I was caught with some work and didn't realise when time passed. No I didn't have dinner. I'm also not hungry. Go and sleep.

Neyonika : I don't believe you. Go and freshen up while I heat the food for you.

Manik nodding his head and planted a kiss on Neyonika's cheek headed to his room.

Neyonika heats the food and laid it down on table. She pulls a chair and sat down waiting for Manik to join her. Within few seconds Manik comes and sits down.

Neyonika starts serving him and scolding him about his working habits. Manik quietly listened to his mother while having his dinner.

Manik cupping Neyonika's face kissed her forehead.

Manik : I'm sorry mom. I'll try not overwork. You should sleep now mom. It's too late otherwise dad will hate me having his wife at this time.

Neyonika chuckles and slapped his hand away and wishing him a goodnight walks up the stairs.

Manik also chuckles and headed to his room. He wasn't really feeling so sleepy so thought of to catch up with his work.

He took his laptop and sat down on couch and starts working.

Nandini holding two cup of coffee walks to Abhi room and knocks before entering inside.

She found him working on his laptop. She sighs and making her way towards him placed the coffee and sits beside him gaining his attention.

Abhi: baby doll! You didn't sleep. You shouldn't be awake at this time.

Nandini : I couldn't go to sleep Bhai. It feels so different but homely. I missed you guys so much.

Abhi smiles and side hugs her pecking side of her head.

Abhi : we also missed you too baby doll. Home wasn't the same without you. Now we finally can hall our home as a home because you are here.

Nandini smiles and starts sipping her coffee while peeing into his laptop.

Nandini : when am I going to meet Bhabhi Bhai? Does she know about me? Did you tell her about me being in India?

Abhi : no I haven't told her yet. I'll make you both meet very soon. I'm busy this week, maybe next week I'll manage my schedule and arrange lunch or dinner plan with you two.

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