8. the Zandvoort

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Charles pov: 

It was now thursday, and I had slpet terribly. It was probably because I had been sleeping alone. Max was not there. I was affraid, I didn't want to disturb his sleep every day because I couldn't sleep alone. I had had a few nightmares and after waking up sweating because of them I was scared to go back to sleep. 

I was sitting eating breakfast with Lando and Alex. 

"Jeez Charles you look like shit" george said. 

"Thanks mate!" I smiled. "I have not been able to sleep very well last few nights" I said and sighed. Lando was now looking me closely. 

"Why have you slept so badly?" he asked. 

"I don't really know" I lied. I didn't want to tell them the real reason. They didn't know I was gay and craving Max's arms around me. I also didn't feel like coming out to them now when I didn't even know what to think about it myself. 

"So do you have press conferences or media pen?" Alex asked. 

"I have media pen. I hate thursdays" I admitted. 

"We all hate media duty. But Alex we are in the same press conference" Lando said excitedly. 

"Not fair I also have press conference but there are all the old ones I think" George said pouting. 

"Mate you are there with Mick, esteban and Max they are not old!" alex laughed and me and Lando followed. 

"Well I think it is me and all the old ones in the media pen" I smirked. "Not complaining tho they are fun". 

After breakfast I made my way to the circuit. There were a lot of photographers waiting for us. I was wearing sunglasses so they could not capture my dark under eyes. When I got to the hospitality and took the glasses away my mediamanager gasped. 

"Yeah I know I look good but no need to be so shoked" I said sarcastically. 

"I'm sorry but you can't go to the media pen looking like that" she said. She sat me down and told me to wait there while she grabbed some make up. After doing something to my face like twenty minutes I was finally ready. 

"Here are some wipes so you can take the makeup off after the interwiews" She gave me some sort of bag with wipes. I thanked her and we made our way towards the media pen. Luckily the interwiewes were over pretty fast and I could go to the meeting. 

I was so tired that I actually fell asleep against Carlos's shoulder. He didn't wake me up before we were done and I saw Mattias disappointed face. Carlos shwed me an apologetic smile and left me alone with Mattia. Great. 

"Charles what is going on with you. You SLEPT almost the whole meeting" He sounded angry. I tried to fought back tears. I was so tired. 

"I'm just so tired. I have not slept well Since monday" I said. 

"Well you better sleep well before tomorrow, do you understand?" He asked. 

"Yep I understand" I sighed. 

"Well now go back to the hotel to sleep" he said and left me alone.

Max's Pov:

I was just leaving the circuit, and going back to the hotel when I heard Carlos shouting at me. I turned to look at him. 

"Hi Carlos" I said happily. 

"You have to do something to Charles" He said out of breath because of running after me. 

"Is something wrong and why can't you do something?" I asked. 

"He doesn't listen to me. But this morning Lando came to me and said that Charles looked really bad this morning and He said he has not been able to sleep in the last few nights. He also fell asleep on our meeting that ended few minutes ago. He slept thru the whole thing and Mattia was really angry" Carlos told me. 

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