38. Chrismas gifts

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Max pov: 

We had an amazing holiday in Indonesia. Charles and I had finally time to relax properly without having to eat healthy food and train constantly. We swam a lot, saw dolphins and other animals and actually swam with them. It was the best holiday I had ever had, but after two weeks it just being the two of us alone it was nice to go back to our families. We had agreed to spend Christmas together in Monaco with both of our families.

"So have you bought any presents yet?" Charles asked me while we were in the middle of a movie while flying home on my jet. 

"Nope not yet" I said shaking my head. It was a lie. I had bought Charles' present but didn't want to tell him that. I knew if he knew that I had something for him he would start to question me and I was terrible at keeping gifts a seacret. 

"Should we go shopping when we're back in Monaco, since I have not bought anything yet" Charles asked. I agreed and we went back to watch the movie which was the grinch. I ended up falling asleep before the movie ended. We had had a long travel from Bali to dubai where we had a layover and switched from commerical flight to my jet. It was around 4pm when we landed in Nice.

"So who is picking us up?" I asked Charles while we were walking towards his car. Before Charles could answer I saw Arthur getting out of the car and running to us. Charles immediately took him in a long hug. 

"How was your holiday?" Arthur asked and picked up Charles' luggage. 

"It was perfect!" Charles said and turned towards me and gave me a kiss. 

"Oh you look like you just came back from your honeymoon or something" Arthur chuckled.

"Well first we'd have to get married" I said smiling and sat on the backseat. To my surprise Charles came to sit with me on the back. 

"Mom would be so happy if she had the chance to organize your wedding" Arthur said happily and Charles agreed. I felt a little movement in my stomach and it was not because I was hungry. 

"So where will I drive you?" Arthur questioned and I turned to look at Charles.

"To Max' house" Charles said and Arthur nodded. After that me and Arthur talked but Charles fell asleep on my shoulder, it had been a long travel day. 

---- Christmas day ---- 

I was trying to decide what to wear while Charles was taking a shower. I was always so bad at deciding what to wear so I gave up and decided that Charles probably would want to help me anyway and question my choises. Instead I went to pack all the gifts into a big ikea bag since our Chrismas dinner would contain both of our familys and we had a lot of presents. Some of the presents we had dropped off to Charles' moms house the day before since Luka and Lio would get kinda big presents from us. Yes we had decided to buy presents together for everyone because two brains had better ideas and two wallets saved money for both not that it mattered.

"Max why are you almost naked, we have to leave soon" Charles asked me laughing. 

"Well I was waiting for you to come and tell me what to wear" I said blushing. Charles' eyes lit up and he sprinted to now our closet. Charles had basically moved in with me after we came back from our holiday. He was so happy that he got to choose my outfit. He picked us a matching outfits. We had decided that today was the formal dinner and tomorrow we would dress up in our funniest christmas sweaters. 

It was around three pm when we made it to Pascales house. We were the last ones to arrive.

"Last ones again! What were you even doing?" Victoria asked when he came to greet us. 

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