Chapter 2

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Bruno's POV

I sat on the couch, looking through every channel. Nothing seemed interesting to watch. All of a sudden my phone ringed. Before I got it, I looked at the photo frame I had on the coffee table. Taking a good glance at it, it was a picture of the girl I had a crush on since high school, and I. 

Her name is Jessica. We stopped speaking to each other, due to her boyfriend Jackson. Words will never explain how much I hate that guy. 

I picked up my phone, and saw that the call was an unknown number. At first, I wasn't to confident in answering. 

"Hello?" I answered.

"Is this Peter? Peter Hernandez?" A familiar voice asked.

Could it be her? Could it be Jessica? I can feel myself getting nervous.

"Umm...Yes... Who's this?" I asked nervously.

"Jessica...Jessica Aguilar." Hearing her name made me feel butterflies. A smile went across my face.

"Oh. Jessica. How are you? I haven't talked to you in forever." I responded happily.

"Ok. I guess." I can tell by the sound of her voice, she was hurting. "Are you in town? I know it's late and this might sound strange sense we haven't talk in a long time. Can you meet me at Lili's Coffee Shop?"

Right away I thought, this can be our chance to get back together. Make things work out again. I would never say no to Jessica. She was my best friend.

"Sure. Be there in like 5 minutes." I replied.

I quickly grabbed my car keys, and ran out the door. Honestly, when she called me, it was the best feeling ever. We havn't spoken to each other in years. Hearing her beautiful voice was the most pleasantest thing in the world.

The feelings I had for her were strong. As cliche as it sounds, I would get butterflies, and my heart would tingy when I saw her.

I was so over protected when it came to her. I didn't like other guys talking to her, because I felt like she would fall in love with them and forget about me. Then she did with Jackson.  

I've seen the cuts, and bruises. I know he hurts her. Also, I know she's afraid to speak up about it. I still remember when she told me she never wanted to talk to me again. At that moment, I felt like my life was over. I stayed in my room for an entire week just trying to think of what I did wrong. I didn't eat, sleep, nor leave my house. Just to remember it was all Jackson's fault.

" I don't have a place to stay tonight, can I stay with you?" She asked me with a concerned look.

A smile appears on my face.

" Of course you can. Me Casa is to Casa." I said, with a smile on my face.

"Thanks. I see you've been working a little on your Spanish." She said laughing.

"Yup, I have. Good. Right?"

"Needs a little bit more work." She said with a giggle.

We just stared at each other for a minute. I think I was falling in love with her all over again. She had the most beautiful light brown eyes in the world. Her hair was naturally straight. It wasn't that long. Barely up to her mid back. Her smile was amazing. She was perfect to me. I wouldn't ask for any one else.

"Are you ready to go?" I asked.

"I'm ready when you are." She smiled. I notice her dimples, they are so adorable.

I left a tip and we walk towards the door. I opened it for her.

"Ladies first." I said with a grin.

Jessica's POV

A weight lifted off my shoulders. I couldn't even imagine how terrifying it would have been going back home. It never felt like home. Being tossed around and treated like trash our entire relationship wasn't a way to live. 

We left the coffee shop, and Bruno opened the door, allowing me to go first. A soft smile appearing on my face. It's been the longest time since someone has done that far me.

"Thanks." I said, with a smile.

"No problem."

We walked to his car that was parked across the street. It was a black Ferrari. He opened the door for me.


"Welcome." He smiled.

I felt as if I had to thank him for every little gesture he did. This was all new to me. Someone was actually treating me with respect was a first. 

The way to his house felt so short. We were just listening to music the whole way there. I put my hand on the arm rest. Bruno did the exact same thing, and his hand landed right on top of mine. He quickly moved it. I bit my lip trying not to giggle. I looked at him, and his cheeks were a warm pink.

When we arrived, the house looked like a regular home. It was still very simple from the outside. I went to open the car door, but Bruno was already there with it open. I smiled.


"You know you don't have to keep thanking after every little thing." He said flashing a smile. 

He had perfect straight white teeth, and an adorable laugh.

"I'm sorry. I just don't know what else to say."

He smiled. He leaned into me, we were touching foreheads. Out of no where, it starts to pour rain. We run towards his house. Bruno opens the door and we run in. He stares at me, and smiles.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing. I can let you use something warm for the time being." He says.

We were both drenched in water. 

"Thank you. I would like that." I said.

"Come with me. I will give you something else to wear."

I followed him to his room, while he was giving me a tour of the house. On the outside it looked simple but on the inside it looked so beautiful. He has such amazing taste. I walked into his room. I was surprised it was actually clean. Bruno walk to his dresser, and took out a gray shirt and a pair of boxers.

"Here put this on."

"Thank you."

I went to the bathroom changed in his clothes he gave me. I walked out and went to his room.

"Goodnight. I'm going to sleep on the sofa." Bruno said

"No, don't do that. I will sleep on the sofa."

" No, are you crazy. Sleep in my bed tonight. I called the couch."

"Fine." I said.

"Now, come on. Let me tuck you in."

I walked towards his bed sat down and went underneath the covers. His bed was so comfortable. Bruno grabbed the sheets, and tucked me in, and kissed me on my forehead. I smiled.

"Goodnight beautiful." He said with a smile on his face.

"Goodnight handsome." I whispered.

I was afraid to sleep alone. It haunted me because of my relationship with Jackson. The fear of being beaten again haunted me. He always did it in the dark. My heart began to beat quicker. Quickly I grabbed Bruno's wrist. 

"Can you sleep with me tonight, please. I'm afraid to sleep alone."

My First Love B1Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora