Chapter 29

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Bruno's POV

The meet and greet was going good. I can't believe the amount of people that showed up. There had to be at least over 400 people,maybe more. It was hard to believe that Jessica just told me off. I deserved it. When Phil came back to the table, I got up and ran out the door. I saw Jessica get into her car. My car wasn't that far away. I ran to it, and quickly got in. I followed her car. Jessica finally parked into a university. I kept my distance from Jessica and Valeria. They walked into the building, and I followed them. I walked in and I lost them.

"Hey. Do you know where Jessica Aguilar's dorm is?" I asked the lady at the front counter.

"Yes. Floor 3, room 4D." She responded with a smile.

"Thanks." I smiled back. I quickly walked to the elevator, and got in.

The number three shined bright, right when I pressed it. The doors opened, and I quickly walked out. Room 4D was right in front of my eyes. I heard some one scream from the inside. I knocked on the door, and waited patiently. Jessica opened the door. She tried to close it, but I put my foot there to stop it.

"We need to talk." I said in a serious tone.

"No we don't." She said.

I pushed the door opened. I was starting to get really anger. I walked in, and slammed the door behind me.

"Well, we're going to."

"You don't know how fast Campus Security, can kick your ass out of here." Jessica said, walking to the phone.

"STOP, JESSICA!" Valeria yelled out.

Valeria grabbed the phone, and threw it. Jessica folded her hands,and looked at me.

"You got five minutes." Jessica said. I looked at her, straight in the eyes. "One minute has gone by." She said with an attitude.

"Look. I wanna talk about what happened, the day you came from work." I said.

"Bruno... The only question I have is why? Why would you do this to me?" She said. Tears started to from in her eyes.

"Oh shit." I heard Valeria whisper to herself. I looked at her. "Sorry." She said, sitting on her bed."Can you guys please explain what's happening? How do you guys know each other?" Valeria said.

"Jessica and I are best friends." I said.

"Were." She looked at me. I raised my eyebrows.

"Why didn't you tell me this, Jessica?" Valeria asked her.

"I wasn't sure, how to tell you something big as this." Jessica responded to her.

"Oh... Still a little confused. Did you guys date?"

"Yes we dated, but Jessica broke up with me." I said.

"After, he cheated on me." She said.

"I didn't cheat on you, Jessica. Why can't you understand that?" I asked.

"Well, let me put it in your point of view. What if you came form work, after a long day,and you saw me kissing another guy. How would you feel?" She asked.

I stayed quiet for a while, then answered. "I would assume the same thing."

"I thought so. Bruno, you don't know how hurt I was,when I saw you kissing her." She told me.

"I do. I've been cheated on, every single relationship I've been in." I said.

"Who would cheat on you?" Valeria asked.

My First Love B1Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora