Chapter 37

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Bruno's POV

Dropping Jessica off at the airport, was very hard to do. Even though we're going to be away from each other for a couple of days, I am still going to miss her a lot. I walked out of the airport, and was mobbed with paparazzi.

"Hey Bruno." One paparazzi greeted me.

"Hey man. How's it going?" I said back.

"Everything is good. So, why is Jessica leaving you?" He asked.

Cameras were in every angle of me. If I say the wrong thing, it can cause problems.

"She's going to fly in for a photo shoot." I explained.

"Where?" Another paparazzi asked.

Part of me wanted to say, none of your god damn business, but I stayed shut.

"That information is what I can't give you." I finally responded.

I got in my car,and drove off back to my house. When I got home, I immediately got Geronimo. We played for a little while, then I decided we were going to take a little walk. I put on his leash, and we walked out the door. It was still early in the morning. Looking at my gold watch, the little hand hit 7, and the long hand was a little past the 6. We walked what seemed to be forever.

Jessica's POV

Tyler and I stayed watching each other. This had to be the most awkwardest thing, in my life. I put my earphones back on, and looked out the window. I can feel when Tyler sat down by me.

"Can we talk?" Tyler said.

I put my earphones louder, pretending I didn't hear him. The plane started to take off. Holding on really tight to the arm rest, I saw from the corner of my eye, Tyler was staring at me. The play was up in the air, and I was trying to keep my mind off things. One of my earphones, fell out of my ear.

"Look. I know you don't want to talk. But, please." Tyler said.

"You don't know how annoying you are." I said back coldly.

"So, I'm guessing you didn't like the sign."

"First of all, no shit I didn't like your poster. You're lucky I didn't go outside and hit you with a bat. Second of all, haven't you heard on the news about me and Bruno dating? Like seriously, I've told you already, and it seems like it doesn't process through your mind. Now, I'm done talking to you." I rudely responded back.

Putting my earphone back in my ear, I stared out the window, until I fell asleep. I woke up, and looked over to my side. Tyler was asleep. There was about one more hour left on the plane. Thank god. I went on my phone, and started to play Angry Birds. Passing all the levels like a pro, I felt someone tap on my shoulder.

"Jessica. When we get off the plane, were going straight to the hotel for you to shower, then off to the photo shoot." Jenny informed me.

"Okay. Thanks Jen." I responded with a smile.

Jenny went to go sit back down. Angry Birds started to get really old, so I started to play Sunday Lawn.

"So you have a photo shoot today." Tyler said, fixing himself in his seat.

"Yes." I said focusing more on the game.

"No more nursing job now? You wasted all those years, just to do photo shoots?" Tyler questioned me.

"Why do you care? It's my decision, not yours. If I want to be a astronaut, I can be one. You don't make decisions for me."

Tyler stayed quiet. He didn't even mumble. Tyler looked away, nodding his head. The plane was finally going to land, and I couldn't wait. The landing was smooth. I quickly got up, and passed Tyler. Jenny looked at me weirdly, then followed behind me.

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