Chapter 11

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Jessica's POV

Hearing those words even hurt me. I just stood there in shock. I had nothing to say.

"You better not say anything, or I'm screwed." Presley told me with a strong tone.

"What do you mean your going to be screwed?" I asked.

"Jasmine saw me. She saw me spying on her. She said she was only gonna go out the store to talk to a old friend. Instead she was making out with some man. He looked like he was in his mid 30s." She continued to described the man, and I was completely disgusted. By the sound of it, you can tell she was only with him for the money. "He's some rich man I guess. I'm pretty sure she's still seeing him."

"You still haven't told me why you will be screwed if you tell Bruno. Why?" She waited a little to respond.

"She said she will ruin my relationship. I don't want to risk anything with my boyfriend." Presley says.

"Girl really? She's not going to do anything. Bruno looks stupid. If you don't tell him I will." I told her

"No! She can ruin anyone's reputation in seconds. I wish you and Bruno were together. Anyways, I know he still loves you." Her eyes widen.

My jaw dropped. "What?"

Presley ran to the door and opened it.

"DINNERS READY BRUNO AND SLU....JASMINE!!!" She yelled out to them.

I smiled to myself. He still loves me. Bruno and Jasmine walked in to the house. I went to go take my seat by Presley and Bernadette. Everyone sat down and from the corner of my eye, I can see Bruno watching my every move.

"So, Jessica. How's everything back in LA?" Bernadette asked me.

"Good. I'm almost done with college. I go back in April next year." I told her with a smile.

"That's great. We can have a nurse in the family." After she said that, everyone stayed silent.

"Anyways. Jessica, can you go shopping tomorrow. I need new bikinis. I will buy you some if you want." Presley said breaking the silence.

"Umm sure. Maybe we can ask Tiara and Tahiti if they wanna go to."

"Pshh those girls. No. Tahiti is always with her kids. Don't get me started with Tiara. She's always at home in her own world. If I didn't say you were coming shopping today with us, they would have passed." She said.

I giggled, "Ok. Looks like it will just be the two of us."

"Maybe you guys can take Jasmine to." Bruno offered. Does it really seem we wanna take her stuck up self along?

"Wait. Jessica. I can't tomorrow." Presley looked at Bruno with that I'm going to kick your ass look.

"I can't go anyways this whole week. I have a bunch of photo shoots, interviews, and more." Jasmine said.

"Wait. But I can maybe around 3." I bit my lip trying not to laugh. It was obvious that we didn't want Jasmine to go. She probably notice.

"Okay. Sounds great." I looked down at my food, and up at Jasmine. "So, Jasmine. What do you do?" I asked. She is dating my best friend. I wanted to know more about her.

"I'm a model and actress." She smiled at me, but I didn't smile back.

"That's nice. How long have you and Bruno been dating?" Bruno started coughing on the food he was eating.

"Almost a year." I felt a big whole in my stomach.

"That's nice."

I tried not to show any emotions. But how? Bruno told me he loved and he already has a girlfriend.

After we were all done with dinner I offered to wash dishes, but Bernadette told me to leave them there. I went to the living room with all the guys and Presley. Shortly after Jasmine kissed Bruno goodbye. She said bye to everyone but Presley and I ignored her.

"I think we should go." Presley told me.

Four hours had past and it was already 10.

"Ok. Bye guys. Bye Bernadette." I hugged her goodbye.

Before I walked outside to meet up with Presley, someone grabbed my hand. I turned around and it was Bruno.

"Can we talk?" He asked me, rubbing his hand on the back of his head.

"About what?" I asked him.


My First Love B1Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora