How you meet (DREAM VERSION)

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Starting with the basic stuff.

  You were sitting down on the grass while looking at the kids playing on the playground. While doing that a kid with black hair and clothes was looking at you. You did t know who he was but it looked like he was out of his mind. You got up from your spot and walked towards him, surprising he didn't move. You  tapped his shoulder to see him flinched, " Oh sorry I didn't mean to scare you." " It's fine I was the one who wasn't paying attention my apologies." Soon he turned away walking towards a girl who you assumed to be his sister and his friends. He was a weird kid but he does seem interesting to talk to tho.

You were playing hide and seek and you were it. You hate being it but you had to play fair. You walked up to the pole and started counting you heard pitter patter's of feet running to go find a place to hide. Once you were done counting you looked up to start finding people. Then you see a kid who was just in front of the pole. "Found you!" You said moving your head to the side to get a better look at the boy. " Awww well I guess I have to help you now!" The "awwww" sounded sarcastic and you knew he hid there on purpose but you weren't complaining at least you have help to find everyone else.

  You heard bickering between to kids. You walked up to them asked what's wrong. " HE SAID I HAVE COOTIES!!" the young girl with the pink bow said pointing at the boy in front of her. " WELL MAYBE YOU DO, I DONT KNOW WHERE YOU HAVE BEEN!" The boy said sticking out his tounge at the young girl. The girls face turned red from anger soon she launched at him making them both fall on the ground. You pulled her off of him as a older boy pulled the boy away from her. " Wooo take it easy girl I don't want you to get hurt." You said pulling her more as he tries to launch at the young boy again. " I don't have cooties..." She mumbled and stopped fighting against you. " Cooties are made up and of course you don't have them." You let go as she turned to you " Thanks for pulling me away from him, he's lucky I didn't beat him up... Anyways bye!!!.

You walked in a forest that you have never seen before. In fact you never seen this path way to the woods before or did you just never payed attention. You continued walking the path u till you seen flowers you never seen before. You walked towards the flowers to see many different types. " Those flowers are called lilly of the valley they remind me of my friend MARI." You jumped a bit turning your whole body to face a young girl or so you thought. " I.. I didn't mean to scary you MX..." The young girl apologies and looked down to the ground kick her feet. " No it's ok I should've reacted like that." You apologies and put you hand on her shoulder. " I never seen you before, what's your name?"  " My name is Y/N what's yours?"
" It's BASIL". " Oh basil that's a nice name for a girl." You said attempting to complement her name. " I'm not a girl, but thank you..." Basil said as his face turned red.


- you helped him defeat sweetheart.

- there's not much I can say because I have no ideas to write for him.

- but you stilled slayed obvii 😒💅💅💅

You walked to the park beaten up by ( your rivals)
as you did you collapsed on a spot and closed your eyes feeling tired and drained from the fight.
As you were going to fall asleep you heard foot steps. " Oh my! Are you ok what happens to you here let me help you!!" The girl picked you up and sat you down, she reached to her picnic basket and took out a med kit. " What happened to you?!?!" " Oh umm I got beaten up by ( insert rival group name/ig). " Ohh well at your safe now, my name is MARI what's yours." " Y/N" " well Y/N that's a lovely name, how about you can stay for a picnic my friends are going to come soon!?!"
" Umm sure why not I'll help you set up!"
" Great!"

I'm so sorry I kinda gave up on HERO lol I didn't know what to write I'll edited it later.

Next up is real world!

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