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Not doing the " how you meet" chapter because I have NO ideas for it.

Also you can see this as a ploy relationship or not it's your choice.

Also Nicknames such as darling and hun are used ( the reader is still gender neutral just wanted to point it out.)

Anyways enjoy!

A S/O other who bakes delicious food!

She has chefs for a reason she doesn't know hey you want to cook All for yourself!

But she can't complain cause your cooking is AWESOME and it beats ratting tofu all the time.

If you give it to her in public she shows off and brag about you giving her food. And she'll tease you for it too.

" For me!!! I am so glad to have someone who bakes me food!"

" You so sweat darling~ you shouldn't have thought of me and brought me food. "

He THRIVES for me it and when you give him food help eat it in a second.

He'll praise the little things too and notice when you change the style or use new spices.

If you give it to him in public he'll won't mind and take it as a normal person.

" For me??? Wow thanks that's os sweet of you!"
He'll kick his feet in private to.

" Is this a new spice?? I can't tell if it's a new spice so don't lie to me hun."


A S/O who draws beautifully drawings.

She praise you if you draw her doesn't matter if you think it's bad she still loves it cause it her that your drawing oh uhh and also you made it.

She will pose of you want her to if you can't draw the other eye or can't draw hands she'll cover her other eye and hide her hand behind her so you won't draw them.

Don't waste her him though she has places to be and events to do so make it quick.

" You can't draw my other eye I'll just cover it with my hair darling."

" Can you hurry I have places to be and events to plan today"

" It's lovely I looked so beautiful you did wonderful on it!"

( I didn't do " if you gave it to her in public " because she insists for her to be there so you can see how she looks and not go by memory.)


He'll buy you stuff for your art and support you on it, doesn't matter if you're good or not.

He'll be soo happy if you drew him and I am not kidding he will be giggling like a little kid who got money.

If you gave it to him in public he's all red and stuttering as he tries to complement your art.

SWEETHEART is just confused on why he's stuttering she'll most likely tell him to to stuttering.


" Oh you drew me I i--i looo love I-i-i it."

"SPACEBOY quit stuttering I don't have time to try and figure out on what your saying!!"



LoL I had fun doing this I hope you guys love this on cause I sure did LMAO.
Do t worry the request that someone asked for they are coming out!


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2023 ⏰

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