In Which Sky Develops Anxiety

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A.N- Hello there! I just thought, before we begin, that I'd explain what the absolute hell is going on. So, basically, this is the Links all watching each others' adventures and commenting on them. There will be angst, there will be fluff, and I have found Wild a suitable therapist (with a lot of patience and a box of matches) so he should be fine. I will cover about 1 Dungeon per chapter (2 if you're lucky!) and some main story. The past versions of each Link will either be called 'Link' or 'Young-____'. For example, in this chapter the past version of Sky is called Young-Sky. This fic will follow the timeline and will start with Skyward Sword and end with Breath of the Wild. In terms of timeline split, I'm going Downfall first, then Child, then Adult. Hope that clears some things up for you!

Sky took a deep breath and remembered Hylia's telepathic instructions to him. 'When you are ready to start, snap your fingers'. Sky closed his eyes tight, and with a heart full of dread, he snapped his fingers. All the lights in the room went out at once. "Aarrgh!" Hyrule screamed, remembering a particularly tough fight against Shadow Link. That hadn't been pleasant for Hyrule, he'd come out of the fight with a lot of scars. "I thought you had the Triforce of Courage, 'Rule!" Wars said in a level voice, trying not to laugh. "Don't mess with me, I possess the full Triforce." Sky had never seen anyone's expression change from teasing to looking surprised. Or scared. Or both. Words flashed up on the screen, and an eerie metallic voice rang through every heroes' ears.

"This is a tale you humans have passed down through uncounted generations..."

A tapestry flashed up, yellowed and old. Wild flinched, and Sky got the feeling that the Champion had his fair share of tapestry related trauma to deal with. Undeterred by the heroes' discomfort, the voice spoke again.

"It tells of a war of unmatched scale and ferocity, the likes of which would never be seen again."

Purple began to soak through the tapestry, staining the fabric purple, forming the shape of a demon. Wild's eyes widened, and he buried his head in Twi's arm. Sky patted the young hero's back, unsure of what to do. He was supposed to be the one who was good at comforting but even he was just so painfully awkward sometimes.

"One dark, fateful day, the earth cracked wide and malevolent forces rushed forth from the fissure."

More purple, creating an army around the central one. Wars raised his perfect eyebrows and whispered something to Time, making the older man snort. Still buried in Twilight's arms, Wild whimpered out one horrifyingly familiar word. "Malice..."

"They mounted a brutal assault upon the surface people, driving the land into deep despair..."

Images showing demons and fire. Sky tried to smile at the other Links, but it came out as more of a twisted grimace. Hyrule made a sort of scared whimpering noise as the story continued, blowing in front of their eyes.

"They burned forests to ash, choked the land's sweet springs, and murdered without hesitation."

Purple spreading across the yellowed background, forming the shapes of dying Hylians. Time slowly lowered his hands over Wind's eyes before the Sailor smacked them away. "I'm not a kid! I'm no stranger to beheadings!" Time quickly agreed, rubbing his throbbing hand. The Sailor was strong, for a little kid.

"They did all this in their lust to take the Ultimate Power guarded by Her Grace, the goddess."

A golden figure, sword in one hand, harp in the other appeared, surrounded by people of the surface. The Goddess Hylia. Legend's face twisted into a smirk filled with contempt for the Goddess. "Some protector she was! Look where her mistakes landed us, huh!" On the screen, she raised her harp above her head, a sign of war.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2023 ⏰

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