♡ Chapter 4 ♥

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I have told you about my rules, but the Mafia also had some too. Three, in fact. They're exactly what you'd expect: follow the boss's orders no matter what, don't betray the organisation, and hit back twice as hard. I was always failing the third one: a grown man packs a bigger punch than a teenage girl, despite Sir Nakahara's training. Nevertheless, my fighting skills were not objectively bad. Plus, there was always the shock factor.

But that day seemed like a good day to violate more than one rule.

Ever since my meeting with the Mafia Boss, something had bothered me: the fact that he had asked for me directly. He could have given the order through any executive, or even someone on a lower rank. Now, Mori either distrusted Sir Nakahara (unlikely) or he wanted to tell me personally so I'd feel the pressure. It was definitely the second.

Without noticing I had made it to school without being run over by a car or forgetting myself in the train. Excellent.

I sat down in my seat in the first row. The chatter of my classmates, although chaotic sometimes, was calming. I was filled with determination. If Mori wants me to make friends, then I shall make friends.

After some classes of worrying, I decided to grab my notebook and a pencil and did my best to walk to the class next-door. I stopped at the door and scanned the room. Most of the students had gathered in groups and were discussing something. And as if my heart wasn't beating enough, Bakugou wasn't talking to anyone. He was just annoyed with the window, or so it looked like. I lightly and quietly trotted over, focussing on the boy.

Now, kids, when you are forced to become friends with someone, it is a good idea to put yourself in their debt, ask them for a tiny favour. They will be able to show themselves in the best possible light and you are more approachable going forward because they can ask for a favour back.

"Hi, um, Bakugou, right?"

He turned his bad-tempered gaze towards me but didn't say a word.

I continued, "I heard that you're good at maths. I was wondering if you could help me with this problem?"

I slowly placed my open notebook on his table and slid it towards him. He kept looking at me with an annoyed look. I had also caught the attention of the others.

Iida Tenya, of whom I had learned from various different sources, including the sports festival, addressed the elephant in the room.

"You're from class 1-B, right? I don't remember seeing you at the sports festival."

"Yeah, I didn't pass the first round," I admitted with more confidence and nonchalance than appropriate for a hero course student.

"Pfft," Bakugou reacted, "you're even more hopeless than Deku. I am not going to waste my time on you."

I took back my notebook and very lightly but nevertheless smacked Bakugou's head. "That's no way to talk about your friends." From the corner of my mouth I jokingly added, "At least wait until he is not in the room."

Iida, bless his soul, quickly brought us all out of the awkward situation. "How can we help you, um...?" hesitating at my name.

"Ah, right," I finally remembered. "I have no idea how to solve this maths problem."

"Let me take a look," Yaoyorozu offered. After a very short pause, she said, "This is new material. We haven't covered it yet."

Truth be told, I had taken it from the next chapter.

"LET ME SEE, YOU EXTRAS," Bakugou shouted and grabbed my notebook from Yaoyorozu and stared for it for a few minutes.

Meanwhile I had a brainwave and realised that although I had instinctively and on purpose dodged the question about my name, it was counterproductive, if not detrimental. My only goal in life at that moment was befriending the people in 1-A and I was acting like I had no reason to live.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, my given name is Eliana. Nice to meet you!" I ended with a legitimate bow.

"Nice to meet you," a couple of students replied in unison. That day I properly met Kirishima, Kaminari, Iida, Ashido, Sero, and Midoriya. Unfortunately, Todoroki was too far back. Nevertheless, the whole encounter was a win in my book.

Bakugou handed me back my notebook without looking at me. I opened it at the problem and confirmed he had solved it! Kirishima took a look over my shoulder as well.

"Wow, impressive, Bakugou," he said. "Tutor me for the exams as well!"

I thanked Bakugou but didn't receive a reply. Maybe I didn't need to in that situation. Frankly, I didn't care. I wished my fellow acquaintances goodbye and went back to my class.


The same day before Hero Studies I was doing my usual warmups on the field. We usually had it with either All Might or our homeroom teacher Kan Sekijiro, but since All Might was conducting a race with class 1-A that day, Mr Kan it was! It was rare for Mr Aizawa to drop by, but he occasionally did.

I had noticed that Aizawa was present, but I was too engrossed in my routine to notice him walk closer.

"I've received your application to transfer to class 1-A." His tone was as monotonous as ever. "Are you sure you're up for this?"

I wasn't allowed to look shocked for even a split second. But: Me, in class 1-A? What lengths doesn't Mori go to?

I composed myself and replied, "I've been training." That wasn't a lie technically.

"To be honest, I can't say that I sense any worth in you as a future hero. Judging by your performance so far, you'll probably end up as a pathetic sidekick."

Although I didn't care much for heroing, I was offended. "Well, I've been forced to do this, so I thought I'd go beyond, plus ultra." I held his gaze, happy that I'd beat him at his own game.

"I'll decide based on how you do at the practical exam next week."

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