♥ Chapter 5 ♡

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The next day we got more information about the finals. There would be two parts to the exam: the written and practical part. And those who failed would not be able to go to the joint training camp.

I had managed to push the thought of my mission out of my head for a solid 15 minutes (a new record) but after this news I was forced to think about it again. I had to become friends with the boys before the finals. At this stage the likelihood of hanging out outside class seemed slim.

At lunch, I was sitting alone and thinking of the 136th possible way for me to fail until Iida addressed me, "Eliana, is it okay if we sit with you?"

"Yes, of course," was my immediate reply. I sounded desperate, but I was. They probably thought it was because I had no friends, which was also true. Nevertheless, I had been blessed with the presence of Midoriya, Todoroki, Uraraka, and Iida. Things were looking up! I quickly introduced myself to the two new people and started eating my food as slowly as humanly possible.

The topic of discussion was the practical exam. No one had any idea how they would be tested until Monoma elbowed Midoriya in the head. Classic smack-talking ensued: he basically blamed 1-A of causing trouble. After he was done berating, he noticed that I was there too.

"Aah, so you're also trying to get more attention by kissing their a-"

Thankfully Kendo came just in time to knock him out. Monoma was the only truly scary person in this school because of his copying quirk. I didn't want anyone to be able to use mine.

"You guys were talking earlier," Kendo spoke, "about how you don't know what's going to be on the practical exam for the finals, right? Looks like it'll be combat against robots like in the entrance exam."

Everyone was surprised. No one had considered asking one of the upperclassmen for info like Kendo had. She walked off, dragging Monoma behind her, and I could finally breathe again. Midoriya was in some kind of an overthinking frenzy.

"Guys," I spoke, "the practical exam certainly will not be a battle against robots."

Todoroki was the first to speak, "How can you be so sure?"

I smiled. "I can tell, just trust me."

The more exact reason I knew was this: they were assessing me based on my performance during the exam. They wouldn't repeat the entrance exam as there is absolutely no point in that, and they couldn't change the exam only for me because that would be unfair.

"Please, guys, trust me on this," I affirmed, not wanting to reveal that I was able to deduce it based on the fact that "I was applying" to be a member of class 1-A.

"Is this your quirk, Eliana?" Midoriya asked.

"Eh," I hesitated, "kind of."

"Most interesting," Iida commented.

"Hey, Eliana," Uraraka said, "you can tell us. We're friends, right?"

Trying to remain calm, I replied, "Uraraka, everyone, I'm so sorry. I want to get along with you, but this is one thing I don't want to talk about." I stood up and left. I still had delicious food on my tray, but I suddenly wasn't hungry.

The truth was that even the Port Mafia didn't know what my real quirk was. It would have been disastrous.

Heavy raindrops began to hit the windows as I headed to the bathroom to calm myself down. I looked in the mirror and disliked what I saw: a scared little girl, attached to strings like a marionette. The smile I wore was also similar to one of a doll's. That's what I was to the Mafia: a doll, a pawn, a plaything.

A floating thought in my agitated mind finally took root. It was now or never. I went into one of the stalls to check for anything that the Mafia might be using to listen in on me. After finding none, I quickly grabbed my stuff and left the school. There was someone I'd wanted to talk to for a while.

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