{Part 10}

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After hours of crying my eyes out my phone dinged, i wiped my teary eyes with the back of my hand and sniffles.

I picked up my phone from the nightstand to see who was texting and calling me non-stop all along, i wasn't surprised when i saw 37 missed calls and 22 unread messages from Hakim.

My heart sank, and suddenly i felt really bad for what i did to Hakim. Poor boy he must be thinking that I don't like him and i just played a prank on him, "why are you so unlucky Dia?" I mumbled to myself, and a new set of tears started running down my face.

I opened the last message that read, 'I'll understand if you changed ur mind, but please tell me ur safe and that i didn't do anything wrong. I've been calling you but ur not replying and I'm quite worried.' The message reads.

Just by reading that message; tears started flowing down again uncontrollably for my selfish, foolish and stupid act. Seriously what was i thinking? To even let Dua get closer to me like that.

Dua's a bitch, a heartless motherfucker, and she'll never stop being one. But somehow I always end up falling in her traps, "Why??" I sobs.

"If I should've just gone out with Hakim, none of this shit would've happened. Hakim seems like a very nice and caring human being, but instead, I ended up being with someone who doesn't give a shit about me and that always finds pleasure in hurting me." I couldn't stop crying because of how dumb of a human being I was.

I hate that I feel attracted to her regardless. I hate myself so much right now ugh! I decided to send Hakim a quick message saying 'I'm alright! My stomach just randomly decided to hurt while I was getting ready. I'm sorry, hope we get to do it another time tho :)'

Not a minute later he replied 'Sure thing! I feel relieved to know ur alright tho, have a good night. See u around x' I literally smiled to myself at how cute and adorable he was, I never thought he was this soft actually.

It was now 12 am and I wasn't sleepy, and there was still no trace of Dua Lipa. If the principal finds out about this, he'll kill her for sure because it's against the rules and regulations of the school. Umm why do I care tho? Its none of my  business.

I couldn't sleep so I ended up taking another shower and binge watched 'Wednesday' on my computer again till I fall asleep. 'Wednesday' is actually my favourite show right now. Yes I'm obsessed. I can watch it on repeat all day, every day.

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑻𝒐𝒙𝒊𝒄 𝑹𝒐𝒐𝒎𝑚𝒂𝒕𝒆| 𝐃𝐮𝐚 𝐋𝐢𝐩𝐚Where stories live. Discover now