Is There Anyone There?

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Stephanie and Megan had always been fascinated by the supernatural. They spent their free time reading horror stories and watching paranormal documentaries. So, when they found an old Ouija board in the attic of Stephanie's house, they knew they had to try it out.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Megan asked, her voice trembling with excitement.

"Of course, it'll be fun," Stephanie replied, trying to sound braver than she felt.

The girls set up the board on the coffee table in Stephanie's living room and sat down on either side. They placed their fingers on the planchette and asked if there was anyone there.

At first, there was nothing. The planchette remained still and silent. But then, it began to move.

"It's working!" Stephanie exclaimed.

The planchette spelled out a name, "A-L-I-C-E."

"Who's Alice?" Megan asked.

"I don't know," Stephanie replied. "But she wants to talk to us."

The girls asked Alice questions, and the planchette spelled out answers. Alice told them that she was a spirit who had been trapped in the Ouija board for decades. She begged them to set her free.

"We can't just leave her trapped in here," Stephanie said.

"I guess not," Megan agreed.

The girls decided to perform a ritual to release Alice from the board. They found instructions online and followed them carefully. They lit candles and burned sage, and as they did, the room grew colder.

"I think it's working," Megan said.

"Me too," Stephanie replied.

But as they completed the ritual, they could feel something else in the room. A presence that was not Alice. And it was not friendly.

"What's happening?" Megan asked, her voice trembling.

"I don't know," Stephanie replied. "But I don't think we should have done this."

The girls tried to end the session, but the planchette refused to move. It spelled out a message: "Y-O-U- C-A-N-N-O-T- E-S-C-A-P-E."

They could feel the malevolent energy growing stronger, it seemed to be coming from the Ouija board itself. They tried to leave the room but the door was locked and wouldn't budge.

"Stephanie, we have to do something," Megan said, her voice shaking with fear.

"I know, I know," Stephanie replied, "But what can we do? We released something we shouldn't have. We have to find a way to close the portal or whatever we opened."

The girls frantically searched for a way to stop what they had unleashed, but it was too late. The entity was already among them, and it was hungry. It began tormenting the girls, moving objects, whispering their names, and even physically attacking them.

They were trapped and didn't know how to stop the malevolent entity. They were too scared to even move. The entity continued to torment them and the girls could feel it getting stronger.

"Stephanie, we have to do something," Megan said, her voice shaking with fear.

"I know, I know," Stephanie replied, "But what can we do? We released something we shouldn't have. We have to find a way to close the portal or whatever we opened."

The girls knew the only way to stop it was to destroy the
Ouija board. But they couldn't bring themselves to do it. Instead, they hid the board and hoped that would be enough.
But soon after, they began to receive messages from the entity. Messages that said things like "You must pay," "Your blood will flow," and "The sacrifice is required."

The girls became afraid of going to sleep at night, terrified that the malevolent entity might return. And the longer they waited to destroy the board, the more messages they received. The malevolent entity wanted them to know it was still there, watching, waiting. And it wanted them to know that it was coming for them.

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