Dead Man's Curve

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Elaine and Tammy were driving down a lonely, dark stretch of road called "Dead Man's Curve." Suddenly, they saw a figure standing in the middle of the road. It was a ghostly apparition, with long, stringy hair and a face twisted in a grotesque scream.

"Oh my God," Elaine exclaimed. "What is that thing?"

Tammy's heart was pounding as she stepped on the gas pedal, trying to outrun the figure. But it was no use, the ghostly apparition kept pace with the car, its screams growing louder and more frantic.

"It's chasing us!" Tammy yelled.

Elaine's hands were shaking as she reached for her phone to call for help. But before she could dial, the figure disappeared into the darkness.

"We need to get out of here," Tammy said, her voice trembling. "That thing was not human."

As they drove away, Elaine and Tammy could still hear the ghostly screams echoing in their ears, and they couldn't shake the feeling that the figure was still following them, even though they could no longer see it.

"We need to tell someone about this," Elaine said, still shaken. "That thing was not right, it was not of this world."

Tammy nodded, her hands gripping the steering wheel tightly. They both knew they would never forget that terrifying encounter on Dead Man's Curve.

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