Lost And Found

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Bethany and Gerda had always dreamed of going on a vacation together. They were best friends and had always talked about going on an adventure, exploring new places and making memories that would last a lifetime.

So, when they finally saved up enough money to book a trip to a seaside hotel, they were beyond excited. They packed their bags, hugged their families goodbye, and set off on their journey.

The hotel they stayed at was an old, crumbling building that stood on the edge of the cliff, overlooking the sea. The view was breathtaking, and the sound of the waves crashing against the rocks below was like music to their ears.

Bethany and Gerda spent their first day exploring the town and soaking up the sun on the beach. They laughed and talked and couldn't believe their luck. This was the vacation of their dreams.

On the second day, they decided to take a walk along the beach. The sun was shining, and the sand was warm beneath their feet. They walked for miles, taking in the scenery and enjoying each other's company.

As they were walking back to the hotel, they stumbled upon something buried in the sand. It was a small chest, made of wood and metal. They couldn't believe their luck. They had always dreamed of finding treasure, and here it was, right in front of them.

Bethany and Gerda opened the chest and found it filled with gold and jewels. They were ecstatic. They couldn't believe their luck. They had found a treasure trove, and it was all theirs.

But their happiness was short-lived. As soon as they opened the chest, they felt a chill run down their spine. They looked around, but there was no one there. They shrugged it off and decided to take the treasure back to their room.

But as soon as they got back to the hotel, strange things began to happen. They would hear noises in the middle of the night, and the door to their room would open and close on its own. They would see shadows moving in the corners of their eyes, but when they turned to look, there was nothing there.

They were terrified. They didn't know what was happening, but they knew that they had to get out of that hotel. They packed their bags and left in the middle of the night.

But even as they left the hotel, they could feel something following them. They could hear footsteps behind them, and they could feel a presence watching them. They didn't stop until they reached the train station and got on the first train out of town.

Bethany and Gerda never spoke of their vacation again. They never told anyone about the chest of treasure they had found, or the ghost that had followed them. They were too afraid to talk about it, and they never wanted to go back to that seaside hotel again.

Years passed, but the memory of that vacation never faded. Bethany and Gerda still remembered the strange occurrences that happened at the hotel, and they knew that the ghost of the treasure seeker was still out there, waiting for its next victims. They were just glad to have escaped and to have each other for support.

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