Back From The Depths

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Todd Schultz had always loved the sea, but it was also where he had lost the love of his life, Abigail. They had been sailing several miles off the Sea of Cortez in Mexico when a great white shark attacked their boat, killing Abigail.

Todd was left alone, wracked with grief and guilt. He couldn't shake the feeling that he could have done more to save her, that he had let fear control him in that fateful moment.

Years passed and Todd tried to move on, but he could never shake the memory of Abigail and the shark. He often returned to the sea, hoping to find some sort of closure.

One night, as Todd lay in his cabin, he was awakened by a strange noise. When he opened his eyes, he saw Abigail standing at the end of his bed. But she wasn't the same Abigail he remembered.

She was covered in bite marks and lacerations, and she was holding her severed head in her arms. Todd was horrified and couldn't believe his eyes. He tried to scream, but no sound came out.

Abigail looked at him with a sad and angry expression, "Why didn't you save me? Why did you let fear control you?"

Todd was paralyzed with fear, unable to speak or move. He knew that this was not a dream, but a ghostly visitation. He realized that Abigail's spirit was still out there, still searching for answers.

He tried to apologize and to explain his fear but Abigail didn't listen, she vanished into the night as abruptly as she had appeared. Todd never slept peacefully again, he knew that Abigail's ghost would come back to him again and again, until he could find a way to make amends for his actions and save her.

He sold his boat, and never went back to sea again, he knew that the sea would always remind him of the tragic event that took away the love of his life. He could never forgive himself for not saving Abigail, and he knew that he would be haunted by her ghost forever.

That is unless he could master his fear and find a way to finally put Abigails spirit to rest.

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