Chapter 7

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It was about 7am and you finally landed at Ascent. It only took about- 2 hours to get there since you were getting there yourself without the help of the VLT/R, but it'll all be worth it in the end. You walked on the pavement below you, listening to clicks of your boots as your breath fogged the rather cold air. You fixed your jacket before hearing footsteps approach you, causing you to turn and see your Omega self, holding up their phone and walked over to you. "So. You're actually willing to slave away, what? A year or so being on my world?" They said, walking over to and stood still, waiting for your answer. "Whatever it takes for our worlds to be peaceful, yeah?" Your response was true. You didn't like the fact that the two worlds are fighting over a small substance such as radianite.

Being handed their phone case, you replaced with yours before sitting down on a ledge, learning everything you needed to know and needed to do in order to infiltrate the Omega world. Every little detail of what to do during a fight, what to do with their Klara, how to act. Everything. It was a tiring process of remembering and then acting, and then repeating. You changed the way you spoke, how to move around. But it was all worth it. In return, you allowed your Omega self to stay with all the others. "But remember me. Only reveal what are we doing when you're caught. Got it? The moment they find out that I'm behind enemy lines, they'll try and find me and would either kill me or lock me up." You said, giving the girl anfirm handshake before hearing the teleporter start.

With a small nod, your other self went to hide as a few agents came forward and saw you, rushing over to you to make sure you were okay. What you knew is that you're now dating an enemy. You're the enemy to your friends until you go back home. It was hard but this was all for a good cause. "Y/n. Glad you're back" you listened to the other Klara tell you, giving you a fist bump as you gave her a smile. Just pretend that they are the people you know. Pretend Y/n. You all continued to laugh and joke around, making you forget that these weren't your friends at all. Just then, Brim approached you and gave a you a look, making you raise a brow. "Come with me. We're putting a symbol on you so we can tell who's who from now on after the other you infiltrated us." He said.

You gave a quick nod and got up, giving a quick wave before following the male down the hall. The headquarters were big, they also seemed to be the same as yours back on your home Earth. "Y/n. Tell me. Why do you like toying with the other you so much?" You gave him a smirk and leaned back in your chair. You were told you were practically the cockiest out of everyone, it's how people distinct the Omega you from You. "Tch. Not everyone can hide their secrets. Look at Fade! She got ahold of yours in a matter of weeks. That Y/n can't hide from her teammates forever." You said, giving a small laugh near then end and looked at the male who seemed convinced that it was you.

Your smirk went bigger as he grabbed your hand and stamped something against the back of it. You didn't wince. You sat through the pain on your hand, and when you could finally look at it. It was a weird snowflake. Must be because of your powers. That's definitely one way to keep track of your agents. "You're dismissed." You gave a nod and walked out, remembering the instrusctions Omega you gave and went to your room. You didn't share one with Kj on this Earth, but you didn't mind. Quickly taking a picture of the back of your hand, you sent it over to your copy and saw as they read it, hoping they put the tattoo or whatever it is on their hand while their over on your earth.

You set your phone down and turned off the lights, ready to call it a day before hearing a knock at your day. All you did was groan before getting up from your bed and opened the door seeing that it was Klara on the other side. You forgot about a lot of things before she looked both ways and shoved her way in, closing the door behind. "What's up, my engineer?" You asked, seeing her sit down on your bed and could tell she was upset. Right- get a pair of your clothes. So you grabbed a clean pair of joggers and a sweatshirt, handing it to her before taking a seat next to her. "It's-...I'm scared of losing you. I can't show it sound the others but- what if there's there's day where Sage can't get to you in time after your missions?" She admitted, making your heart break a bit.

You helped her into your clothes before gently pushing her down onto your bed, laying your body on top of hers as you played with a few strands of your hair. "I'm sure I'll always be alive until I die of old age. I'm not that bad at fighting now, am I?" You joked, making her playfully slap your shoulder as you simply placed a kiss to the corner of her jaw. "That's the thing. You're a duelist and I'm a sentinel...what if there's a day where Sage won't be able to heal you- or bring you back to life...I know said this already but the thought won't shake." Your gaze softened, feeling your heart break a bit as the girl admitted. "Klara- I promise I won't leave your side until either of us die, okay? But look at it like this-" you started, placing a hand on her cheek as you used the other to push yourself up. "-No matter what will ever happen between us, we'll always be here for each other. Okay?"

Klara gave you a nod, making you slowly rest your body on top of hers and sigh into her touch, closing you eyes after being completely exhausted. Only a soft spot for her. That's what your counterpart stated. Even if you and Fade are good friends here, you two act like jackasses to each other. Killjoy is the only one that can make you go soft around the others, and if she isn't present. You have to be a dick.

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