Chapter 9

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Yet another morning. Great.

It took a few minutes before your body began to feel the pair of arms wrapped around your waist. You placed your hands over the ones situated one your stomach, easing into the touch of your lover and stayed at peace until she began to wake up. You allowed her to make the first move of breaking away, feeling her head move away from your chest. You felt her lips press against your cheek along with her hand slowly moving across the skin on your back, making you wanna lay in bed even more than you already have been. "Klara, we have to get up-" you mumbled out, not noticing how your voice cracked a bit as you spoke.

Just as soon as your moment of peace started, it quickly came to an end with a knock to your door. You let out a tired groan, moving your body over the girls to get out of bed, and placed a quick peck to her cheek before going to the door. In a swift motion, you opened the door to reveal Fade. "Yes?" Raising a brow, you questioned why the girl was even here. She either stayed in her room, was training, or was on a mission. "Y/n...we need to talk." She spoke sternly before leaving you at the door, more confused than ever. You grabbed a fresh pair of clothes, putting them on and didn't even realize that the shirt was Klara's. "Don't overwork yourself now, I should be in my lab when you come back" She said, making you nod and smile before leaving your room.

You were Klara's soft spot and she was yours. It was clear as day for both of you, which made you question how the other agents haven't found out yet. It was a few moments before you stood in front of Fade's door, soon knocking on it a few times before you were dragged into her room, making you grow a bit worried and anxious of what she had to say. "Fade, what's wrong." Your gaze immediately fell onto her, waiting for something to come from her but nothing did. You went to walk back to the door, not wanting to deal with something dumb. Especially since it ruined your morning with Klara. "Y/n." You turned around at the call of your name, going to say something only to suddenly feel your back pinned to the wall.

You looked into the girls mismatched eyes, amused on where this may actually go before she leaned against you, her head resting on your sh[under as you stood as still as day. "What is it?" You asked, looking at the girl before feeling hands cup your cheeks and her lips being softly pressed to yours. You raised a brow, pushing the girl away a few seconds later and glanced over to the door, hoping Klara didn't see what happened. "Fade. I love you, but you're my friend and I apologize but nothing more than friends. I already like someone in that way" with a nod, you left her room, walking pass Klara's lab on the way back to yours and felt your body being pulled into their.

What is up with the abducting?

You press the lock button, assuming that it had to be important enough for the girl to drag you into the lab. But no, it wasn't. It was rather you double checking everyone suits, and then listening to her geek out in German for 13 hours. You only made it to the 7 hour mark before falling asleep on her lap. And you could tell that she didn't move. Whenever one of you were to fall asleep on the other, it would be hard to move since the both of you are somewhat light sleepers. You wake up due to movement sometimes, and Klara wakes up whenever there's a semi-loud noise. Luckily enough though, you were able to get enough sleep before the engineer woke you up to have dinner.

Once everyone sat down at the table, you lazily ate some of the food on your plate before you looked up and saw Viper staring at you, causing you to raise a brow. "Yes?" You asked, causing the silence to break before Brim cleared his throat, "Sabine, Y/n. My office after dinner." You both looked at each other before knowing what's about to happen. So as quickly as you could, you finished your dinner and went to Brim's office, taking your spot in a chair as the other two ever so slowly came in. "What is it?" You asked, your tone suddenly turning the environment in the room cold as they sat down. "Y/n, we are here to discuss our latest rule about Fraternization. We thought about lifting the rule and allowing agents to date-" before Brimstone could finish, you held up your hand. "If that's all, then why not. Their fault for getting attached. If they love someone and that person dies in battle. I don't care how much they cared about that agent. They'll either move on or get removed from the Protocol."

You swiftly stood up, hearing Viper agree with you as you left the office. It was tiring being the 4th in command basically. You were right after Sage, so you questioned why she wasn't called to that but you were. At this point you didn't care, you entered your room and saw that Klara was already there, tinkering with something in your desk but you didn't mind it, just walking to your and fell forward, feeling all of the stress in your body melt away. You felt a pair of arms wrap around you before weight pressed against your back, and soft butterfly kisses were placed against the nape of your neck. "I love you.." you mumbled out, even more muffled by your blankets but you knew she understood, she always did. "I love you too, Leibe"

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