Info + Pairing

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My inspiration to make this story was Kokushibo from Kimetsu no Yaiba. Please note that I said inspiration so don't be surprised if in the end, he's actually not acting like Kokushibo. His powers will still be similar to kokushibo.

This is not a full crossover, so don't expect to be seeing character from Demon Slayer or a bunch of demons around.

I intend to publish at the very least a chapter this week. Hopefully I can increase it to at least 2 chapters.


- In this A.U., they get out of the academy at 14 years old. (I prefer to work with older character and since most of the story will happen during the Shippuden timeline, they'll be around 17 or 18 when it starts.


Ever since he was was a kid, Naruto, has always been the pariah of the village. As a young kid, he thought that it was due to his pranks so by the time he was 8 years old, Naruto, had stopped with those pranks. Even so, his situation never changed, with the exception of the old man from Ichiraku ramen and his daughter, everyone else treated him like he was a monster that needed to be avoided all the time.

Wanting the approval of the people around him, Naruto turned towards the one thing he knew people admired, power. Even though he lacked the talent and the help to become powerful, he promised himself to one day stand at the top of the shinobi world. After all, if people respected power than being the strongest person alive would certainly earn him the most respect right?

Naruto's info:

Name: Naruto Uzumaki (it changes later in the story)

Age: 14 in part 1

18 in part 2 (this is the moment where Shippuden starts in canon)


Naruto is tall and muscular (not overly bulky) man with pale skin, blue eyes, three whisker marks in each cheek and bright red hair inherited from his Uzumaki genes

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Naruto is tall and muscular (not overly bulky) man with pale skin, blue eyes, three whisker marks in each cheek and bright red hair inherited from his Uzumaki genes.

In his young teen years, Naruto, used to wear a eye-hurting orange jumpsuit. In this teenage years Naruto wears a purple-and-black bee-hive patterned nagagi kimono and black unamori-styled pants tied with a white uwa-obi. He also let his hair grow into a spiky long haircut kept in a ponytail.

 He also let his hair grow into a spiky long haircut kept in a ponytail

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His hair remain a bright red color.


Early childhood:

In his early childhood, Naruto could be described as an hyperative rude brat who loved annoying people with this childish pranks. As time passed, Naruto grew out of his pranks before turning 8 in hopes that those pranks where what made everyone keep their distance from him.

Turns out that wasn't the case, because of this, Naruto starts to change. He wanted people to respect him as a normal person. During a class, he tried to think what could make people respect him until he looked at Sasuke. He came to the conclusion that power was the way to be respected, if Sasuke was respected as the strongest genius of his age than all Naruto had to do was surpass him.

There was only one problem with that, Naruto had no talent at all, no matter how much he tried, his chakra control remained pathetic even for his age, teachers were never willing to help him with taijutsu and he couldn't even do the clone jutsu correctly even though it was one of the 3 basic academy jutsus. His answer came during a class where Iruka was talking about kenjutsu. Naruto, for the first time in his life was so entranced by a school subject that he didn't even notice how fast time seemed to pass at school that day.

Swords had become a subject that fashinated Naruto, after that day, Naruto started practicing kenjutsu. Once again no one was willing to teach him but he never gave up on it.

Not revealing more than this as it would be considered a spoiler.

Power and Abilities:

Naruto eventually comes to focus his abilities around breathing techniques and what he calls Moon Breathing. (Not revealing when he comes across any of these things.)


Naruto x Shinobu (Please, don't ask me to make this one a harem. Most of my stories will certainly be harems but I also enjoy single pairings and this is a story where I simply want it to be a single pairing, so please respect my choice.)

I'm not telling how these two meet because it would be a huge spoiler for what I intend to do in this fic.

I'm not telling how these two meet because it would be a huge spoiler for what I intend to do in this fic

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