Team Introduction

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A.N.: I noticed that during the last chapter I kept referring to Naruto as blond instead of redhead. I said it during the info chapter but Naruto's hair is indeed colored red and not blond.


Naruto was just about to go to bed before he felt the memories of the clones that had been busy with the Scroll of Sealing coming back to him. It's no wonder that they had taken so long, the scroll was filled with a large variety of forbidden jutsus. He had gotten medical jutsus related to poison, cursed seals, barriers, ninja arts and many more.

He had to hurry up and make sure to keep that information somewhere safe. Luckily for him, he already had the best place to do so. With that in mind, he went to bed wanting to get some sleep.


Opening his eyes, Naruto found himself looking at a beautiful meadow stretching further than the eye can see. Turning around, he found himself staring at a large clear lake with a wooden dock on it. A few meters to the lake's right, was the entrance to a forest but not just any forest. This forest was filled with tall and thick trees extending upwards for half a kilometer. Underneath those trees is currently the Nine-tailed fox sealed inside of Naruto revealing this to be his mindscape.

Not long after he had visited his mindscape for the first time, Naruto had changed it, the idea of his mindscape being a disgusting sewer had left a negative impression even on the younger Naruto, he had quickly changed it into a very simple but pleasing looking landscape.

This change had also had the bonus of pleasing the demon fox making their initial interaction a little bit less hostile because of the calming feeling brought by the green scenario.

Speaking of said fox, while at first glance he seemed to be free, the fact that the seal was still activated made it so that the fox still had to have something holding him back, in this case it was the large chains connecting the collar in his neck to the trees around him. Apparently, to release those chains, Naruto had to get the key of the seal, something he didn't possess. Even if he did have the key, Naruto wasn't foolish to release the fox, while they weren't hostile, Naruto had no trust in the bijuu and had no way of making sure that the bijuu couldn't hurt him even in his own mindscape.

"It seems you had a good time tonight." The voice of the bijuu was deep, sending chills down the spine of those hearing it and even with the knowledge it was imprisoned at the moment, Naruto, although able to hide his emotions on the outside, couldn't help but feel the pressure of the bijuu's presence, even after having been in this situation multiple times for the last few years.

It was a strange feeling, a part of him hated being scared of the demon fox but the other part of him admired that trait from the Kyuubi. The fact that simply speaking made other beings feel such pressure is a sign that the fox is indeed very powerful. Kyuubi is after all considered one of the strongest beings in the world. He knew that if he wanted to get stronger than anyone else, then one day he'd have to surpass the being right in front of him without relying on the fox's chakra.

Naruto didn't bother giving an answer to the fox, instead he simply focused on doing what he actually came here to do. Using his experience in changing his mindscape, a big treasure chest appeared in front of him on the ground. Then, using his memory, Naruto copied the Scroll of Sealing and summoned it in his hands before depositing it inside the chest and teleporting the container near the lake.

This was an easy way for Naruto to make sure that he wouldn't lose valuable things. Of course he couldn't store physical objects from the outside world but when it came to sources of information like the Scroll of Sealing, Naruto could simply make a copy holding all the information and keep it here so that he wouldn't forget things. Unless he decided to drastically change his mindscape, the scroll wouldn't disappear.

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