Scroll of Sealing

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Naruto, the dead last, doesn't exist anymore. It had been six years since the day that Naruto's quest for power had started and what the old Naruto had completely changed since then.

With time, what started as training in kenjutsu to obtain power ended up almost completely shaping Naruto around his quest for power.

To be able to learn kenjutsu, one had to first train their body. Naruto ended up taking that to the next level and in terms of physical strength, he was at the top of his class. No one, not even Sasuke could rival him in pure physical strength.

He's now 1,60 metres tall, and a quite muscular frame for his age. His red hair had grown spikier and longer now reaching slightly beneath his neck. He also changed his clothing from the orange jumpsuit to a pair of black sandals, black pants and shirt with a red jacket left open, a pouch of the same colour as the jacket was placed where he kept his kunai and shuriken on his left thigh.. All of his clothing was made with material durable enough to be used by ninja while keeping the appearance of normal clothing.

His training also led him to train his mind. He had started to put more effort into studying and since he didn't want to lose time studying instead of practising kenjutsu, he started paying attention during class. For the past six years, Naruto hasn't allowed himself to miss a single class nor had he ever distracted a class again. All of his breaks between classes were also spent studying.

Unfortunately for him, Naruto had also changed in what some people would consider negatively. He had closed himself from everyone around him and had never allowed himself to form any bond with anyone other than the Ichiraku family. He wasn't emotionless as some people thought but he never demonstrated his emotions to anyone. The only exception to this would be times where he'd get very emotional -be it positively or negatively-. The only time this happened was when he'd bottled up the many times that people kept underestimating him after losing to Sasuke, the only person Naruto had never been able to beat in the last six years. Naruto had gotten so pissed to the point that his classmates had shut up because they hadn't seen him express himself so aggressively for months before that day.

After that event, Naruto had also started meditating which helped him keep a calmer mind. Two months after he started practising meditation, Naruto had eventually met the reason why everyone around him had so much disdain for him. He had met the Kyuubi sealed inside of him. After that day, Naruto had understood that people were only hating on him because of something he had never a choice about, this had only closed him even more from people. Naruto's speech had also changed a lot after this, not only did he not have the same upbeat tone he always had in the past, but now his sentences were always kept short.

Anyways, Naruto's relationship with the Kyuubi was a strange one. Neither of them had reason to like the other but they'd be lying if they said that they didn't find each other interesting.

Naruto was interested in the Kyuubi's power, after having heard about the Kyuubi at school, Naruto knew that the Nine-tailed fox was considered one of the strongest beings to exist. An entity with the power to destroy mountains in a single attack.

Kyuubi was interested in how much Naruto had changed because of his search for power. That along with the fact that the blonde didn't seem to hold any hatred for the fox made it so that Kyuubi didn't really hate the boy although he wouldn't hesitate to kill the boy if it meant being free but perhaps making it so that the boy didn't hate him. Although Kyuubi would never admit it, a small part of him hoped that if the blonde didn't hate him, then when the time came for the bijuu to be passed to the next jinchuuriki, the blonde would reject it. Of course if that were to happen then the blonde would have to become much stronger than he is now so Kyuubi would actually try not to hinder Naruto's growth.

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