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An eight-year-old Naruto is currently sitting in class, his arms folded above his desk and his head resting on his arms. Instead of listening to his teacher, Naruto is busy thinking of why all the villagers seem to hate him.

He had initially thought that it was because of his pranks, but it's been two months since he stopped and nothing has changed. He doesn't get it, his pranks had never been that bad to the point of making him be so hated, it's not like he had ever hurt anyone with them.

Lifting his head up from his arms, he looked around at his classmates, only stopping when his eyes landed on Sasuke Uchiha, the genius of the class. A boy his age that was very popular with his fangirls and even around the village.

Why? That was a question that Naruto asked himself all the time. What is so different between both of them that there's such a large difference in how they're treated?

Was it because of looks? No, he couldn't understand how looks could make someone be treated differently, much less when Naruto himself doesn't have a strange appearance.

Was it because of his clan? No, although Naruto didn't know the details, he was also part of a clan and even if he didn't know the details -because he was busy sleeping on school lessons about clans- he was sure that the Uzumaki had been a very popular clan at some point even if nowadays, Naruto is probably the only survivor of said clan.

He spent minutes trying to come up with an answer but nothing came to him until he remembered how many titles he's heard together with Sasuke's name and most of them always talk about his strength and how he's a genius for his age.

For little Naruto's mind, he thinks that he finally got an answer why they are treated so differently. While Sasuke is considered as a prodigy that always stands at the top of his class, Naruto is known as the deadlast who's always last in both academics and on ninja related lessons. Naruto just got his answer to change the way that people treat him.


If Naruto gets powerful then people will certainly respect him and stop treating him as some monster that has hurt them in the past. That's it, Naruto will get stronger.

Without realising, Naruto got up from his seat in joy, making a loud noise which ended up interrupting the lesson and making everyone look at him. Some were annoyed and others were busy holding their laughs waiting for him to be scolded by Iruka. It didn't take long for that to happen as a few seconds after his random outburst, Iruka was already scolding him.

"NARUTO!" There it is, the usual yelling/scolding that is always given by Iruka. "Can you stop interrupting class? Just because you don't care about studying, it doesn't mean that others don't want to do it!"

Naruto simply ignored it, he was used to these scoldings so instead of retorting he simply sat down and ignored the laughs of his classmates just like he ignored the glare coming from Iruka. Naruto had given up a long time ago trying to understand why Iruka-sensei also hated him after all, he was just another one amongst the hundreds of people that hated him.

Instead, Naruto focused on the answer he got to his own problem. Power had been the answer he got. The only issue is how would Naruto get stronger when no matter how much he trains, it never seems to work.

Taijutsu: Naruto has already learned the Academy Taijutsu which is simply learning how to kick and punch correctly. Apart from clan kids or kids with ninja parents, Naruto and those of civilian origins don't have any other taijutsu style ready to be learned. Because of this, Naruto's taijutsu actually looks like it could be something used by a beginner brawler in a street fight.

Bukijutsu: Bukijutsu is the use of weaponry in combat. It possesses subcategories related to different weapons. The most common and the only one taught until now is the shurikenjutsu which is the use of shurikens and kunai -usually used as projectiles- in battle even if the name only includes one of those weapons. This one has only been taught very recently so Naruto isn't very good at it but since shurikenjutsu is usually more of a support used in battle, it wouldn't really count to make Naruto look powerful.

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