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8 months later

With the cause that was on Jenny's shoulders, Birdey made sure that helping her out at work would allow some of the weight to be on him.

What worked out 80% of the time was sex in the bathroom. Since Jenny didn't want to be pregnant I used a condom. The other 20 were taking notes on what person was going to be on the enemy list, which nearly grew each week.

Sam was showing by 3 months and learned she was having twins. It shocked all three of them, but I was happy to say the least. Over the months Sam was getting more horny and always needed attention.

Birdey and Jenny loved being there for her and learned real quickly what makes her turned on more. Jenny wearing Birdey's button shirt and only that and Birdey not wearing a shirt around the house.

By the time it was 32 weeks the twins wanted to come out then and now. Since Birdey and Jenny have training in the field of helping out in the birthing situation a natural birth worked out for them.

12 hours of labor later a 5 LBS baby girl and a 6 LBS baby boy Sam passed out from excision but she really deserves the rest. Birdey was loving the twins so much that he made sure they got everything they needed while Sam was resting.

Jenny on the other hand had to make sure to be at the base so no one knew she was gone. After a day of rest Sam was able to get to work on making sure the babies were fed from her milk and doing lots of laundry. Birdey went back to work with Jenny so Sam made a basket in her office so she can keep an eye on them both.

Everything worked for them after all the cause came to a cool end. It helped Sam to see both her partners more and make sure that they could have a conversation that was needed.

"So I'm going to start by saying I'm ready to marry you both, but I need to know where you both stand," Jenny says which made Sam smile.

"I'm ready and I'm hoping to bring my mother for the wedding," Birdey said which made Jenny happy.

"I'm ready so when should we have the wedding" Sam says holding now both their hands

"Next week, just your mother as a witness and since my parents will never expect this relation I don't want them to be there on my best day" Jenny says which makes both Birdey and Sam come and hug her then kiss her temple.

With little to prep for the wedding Birdey was able to fly his mom over for the wedding and Sam was able get us all sized wedding rings and bracelets when Jenny works at the bass and either Sam or Birdey works on the bass as well since Birdey wanted some time with the twins as well.

Jenny wanted more time in the day with the twins as well so she came home before either Birdey or Sam came home from work so she could have quality time with them.

On the day of the wedding all three of them wore their military uniforms. They held the wedding at the courthouse 7 hours away so no one knew them. Once Birdey mother came in, Birdey hugged her first then Jenny and Sam. His mother was so happy he found someone to love him.

Birdey told his mother about his partners and his children and his mother couldn't be more proud of the fact he has so much love around him. She is a supportive mother which made Sam and Jenny happy. She was also able to meet her grandchildren on the day of the wedding.

After the I do's were said the rings were put on including the bracelets. All three kissed each other and were so happy to finally feel happiness to have found their people.

3 years later

Without realizing it Sam learned she was pregnant again and when she broke the news to Birdey and Jenny were so in shock all, but were happy to keep growing their family.

Even though the journey of their love is crazy they will keep on growing on that journey and never stop loving that fact that it never left them

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