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I was in the elevator going down after my disaster date with Lucien. What was supposed to be a normal date turned into Lucien storming out and me now worrying about my family at home.

The limo that had brought me here was outside the building waiting for me. The guy had a stoic look but when his eyes landed on me, he gave me a lopsided smile, like he was sorry for me.

"I'll take you to your dorm. Keep any snacks you like." He told me and opened the door. I thanked him and got in.

The ride back to my dorm allowed me to finally breathe. I hated how I had to walk on eggshells around Lucien. He kinda felt controlling and dominating. While I liked the dominant aspect, the controlling part felt too much for me. And to find out he only wanted to sleep with me gutted me because he only saw me as a hole. Not a person.

The car parked in front of my building. The driver opened the door and let me leave. I stuffed my pocket full of snacks and gave him a final thanks.

I did the walk of shame back to my dorm. Everyone was either in their room studying or at the football game. Me? I just want to sleep and wake up in the afternoon tomorrow. I deserve a nice sleep after what I just went through.

However, I opened my door and saw Angie sitting on my bed, using a face roller. "EEH! You're back! How was it?!" She eagerly asked. I could tell she saw my defeated look. "Yikes! Come on. Tell Angie what happened." She said. She pulled me to my bed and sat next to me.

"He was an asshole!" I said. Angie could tell how serious I was by my angry tone.

"What did he do?" She asked.

"He just wanted to have sex with me! And when I didn't want to, he called me difficult and said no one would love me!" I said, recalling Lucien's words.

"Wow..." Is all she said. She placed her fingers into my hair and played with it. "I'm sorry, Danny. I thought maybe you two would click. Is there anything you like about him?" She asked.

"I don't know if I should say. I'd rather keep my memory of him as just an asshole."

"Come on! You should always look at the bright side of things. Tell me what you liked about him." She asked.

"Well, he's really attractive. Like, insanely hot. And he's very seductive. He knew what to tell me and for a moment I was thinking of going home with him." I said.

"What about his character? Anything about that?" She asked.

"His character is being horny or being angry. That's all I got from him. Honestly, I don't think I would go on another date with him. He's too angry and threatened to kill me multiple times. He's a huge walking red flag." I said to her. She thought for a moment.

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