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The ride home, it felt like a tiny switch was turned on to Lucien. After getting a kiss and him violating me in the closet, Lucien has been a bit more promiscuous towards me. For example, as I was getting back into the car, Lucien stood behind me and I felt his hip nudge forward and hump me.

I was glad I managed to impress Sylvester. It was easy, really. I remembered in US History class in high school about how Al Capone managed to sneak bootleg alcohol into cities without being questioned.

"Don't forget to type up your proposition and send it to my dad. I'm sure he's going to want to implement it as soon as possible." Lucien told me. He turned onto the street that leads to NYU.

"I was so terrified when he called on me. It reminded me of high school when teachers used to call on me in class." I said.

"Expect more of that. My dad likes to call on people out of nowhere to scare them. You were just lucky that you had a brilliant idea." Lucien said.

"You think it was brilliant?" I asked him. He smirked and looked at me, taking his eyes off the road.

"Oh, of course. I've never seen someone impress me that much. The look on everyone's faces was priceless." He said.

I noticed as he took a small turn and brought his car to an alleyway, far from the main street. The sky was dark and no one would see us here.

"Uh, Lucien? Where are we?" I asked.

I turned and saw Lucien looking at me with a smirk on his face. A grin was on his face. I was now a bit terrified and wanted to leave this place. I wanted to get away from both this dark place and Lucien himself. Something about him just did not sit right with me right now.

Lucien cleared his throat. "You were saved, you know that right?" He said in a deep, dark voice.

"Saved from what?" I asked.

"From... well, me." He replied.

"I-I don't know what you mean." I told him.

"Had I had even one more minute with you in that closet, you would not be able to walk right now. It was by sheer luck that my dad found us there." Lucien said.

"What if I didn't want to?" I asked.

"I know I would've found a way to get you to spread your legs." He said, his hand on my thigh now.

"So you would've fucked me in that closet where people would hear us?" I asked, shivering at his touch.

"Why do you think I wore a tie? I knew I would need something to shut that pretty mouth of yours." He said, his thumb tracing my lips.

"Can we go to my dorm? It's getting late." I whimpered out.

"Oh, Danny Boy. We'll go back soon, but I need something from you." He said.

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