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I stared at my reflection in the mirror. There I was, with Lucien's cum dripping down my face and onto my chest. I brought my fingers up to my eyes and wiped off some. I now had a better view of the mess that I was. My hair was also messy from the hard pulling Lucien gave me.

Tears welled up in my eyes and were falling down my face, mixing with his load.

I turned on the water faucet, scooped water into my hands, and started washing away. I used some of Lucien's face wash nearby and scrubbed my face hard. I even wet my hair. Next, I got a washcloth and wet it and began to clean my chest.

Once I felt less dirty, I fixed my hair and went back to my room. My shirt and sweater were tossed on the floor.

The hallway had a menacing feel to it. Unlike Lucien's house in the Hamptons, which was full of paintings and gold encrusted furniture, this home was located in a penthouse in one of those pencil buildings in New York.

I reached the bottom of the stairs and saw Lucien on the couch watching TV. His eyes turned to me and looked up and down my body.

"You're here! Wanna join me?" He asked, patting a spot next to him.

"Can I go?" I asked him.

"Awe, come on, Danny! Join me! Please?" He asked. He said please, a word that sounds so foreign to him.

"Fine." I muttered and walked to the couch he sat on. I planted myself on the spot to the right of him, but kept some distance between us.

"Hmm." He grunted. I turned and saw him staring at the TV, not looking at me. I turned too and watched whatever he was watching.

I would've imagined Lucien would be into something like The Godfather or one of those mafia movies. Or maybe grim and dark movies like Silence of the Lambs or American Psycho. But no. When I turned to the TV, I saw him watching Phineas and Ferb.

"You like this show?" I asked him. He raised an eyebrow at me.

"Yeah? Is that an issue?" He asked me.

"N-No! No! Not at all! I just didn't expect you to like cartoons." I said, hoping I didn't sign my death.

"It's understandable. I would be confused by me too. But let me tell you something." He put his arm over my shoulder and pulled me closer to him. "My life has so much darkness already. I never had a normal childhood. Sometimes, I just like to put some cartoons on and sit down and watch. You get me?" He asked.

I nodded. "Makes sense. Does anyone else know about this?" I asked.

"Only my parents. And... I guess you do too now." He smiled at me like he didn't just cum on my face a few minutes ago.

I know something about Lucien that no one else knows. Wow... I'm a bit speechless.

"Stay with me today. I'll take you to your dorm later." Lucien said to me. I visibly froze in my seat.

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