twenty-nine:﹙daredevil and nightangel﹚

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daredevil and nightangel.

CHAPTER TWENTY-NINE!daredevil and nightangel

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"contains; drugging,"
—proceed with caution

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Cops had raided the buildings before the two were able to show up. Hells' kitchen was mostly ark and silent with no one around int he abandoned building, tarp hung on the walls along with the contracted floors looked as if they were being finished. The smell of paint filled the air, for some odd reason. 

With his gun pointed towards who seemed to be a-okay Hoffman, who had bodies that had been shot around him.

"So this is where you have been hiding?" A white cop asked, with his partners around him getting ready to shoot Hoffman putting his gun up to the man's face about the pull the trigger. 

Closing his eyes and getting ready to be shot, the sudden sounds of gunfire, along with grunting could be heard coming from a man and woman. Squeezing his eyes tighter with drips of blood covering almost all of his dark skin. 

He shook a little scared, before opening his eyes. Matt was not where his full black gear, punching the cop before back flipping and kneeing the man in the face causing him to knock out. 

Y/n had grabbed his gun as he fell to the floor with a groan the gun flying across the floor. Kneeling down in her gear, to grab it. Since she knew everyone was scared of the pain of being shot, especially in the face. 

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