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Mary looked around her. She was no longer in that room that's for sure. The sudden change in the environment was starting to make her dizzy. She struggled to her feet. Her legs were shaking slightly but being a vampire her body adjusted quicker.

She took some steps to experiment her legs if they were capable of supporting movements. They seemed fine. She heard sirens approaching from far away. She wondered how they'll discover what just happened.

She moved quickly. The first thing she needs to do is find a disguise. She felt too exposed. She walked to a nearby store. They sold all kinds of accessories. The store keeper welcomed her suspiciously. She walks to her.

I need a change of clothes, she said staring into the woman's eye. The woman allowed her in immediately and ushered her in. The compulsion obviously was working. Please move to that corner over there the woman said and pick your choice.

Mary walked over to what like looked a shelf with variety of clothes of different designs and colours. She changed her entire dress. She picked a top hat over a black coat. She wore the coat over a black trouser and shirt. She also put on a black shoe. The woman stared at her in amusement.

You have a serious taste in fashion, she said. It's not for fashion. Mary replied. It's for cover. I'm here to find somepeople.

Really? the woman asked. Do they owe you something? Something like that, Mary replied. Do you have traffick cams here in this city? She quickly asked.

Of course, the woman replied, if you're thinking of how to get all the tapes I suggest you find the council.

Council? Mary asked confused. The council is an Organization that mostly guide and direct this place. They deal more with paranormal stuff. They're quite efficient. If anything comes to this city they'll know. I don't know how but they'll just be there to take care of it. They know everything.

You mean everything? Mary asked. She ran quick calculations mentally. The sirens she heard, it must have been them. They probably knew she was here.

Yeah, the woman replied, everything. They know everything. Thanks Mary said as she left the shop. The sirens were closer than she thought. She walked quickly. She surveyed her surroundings. There were cameras everywhere. She needed to find a blind spot which could probably mean an alley. She searched briskly and spotted an alley in a corner. She made for it immediately.

The more she moved the more she felt uneasy. The words of the woman kept coming back. She wondered what the council was. How they could detect paranormal activities. She reached the alley and waited. She decided that this council if were as efficient as the woman said they would should have those girls by now.

While she waited the police vehicles came into view. They parked their vehicles and alighted drawing their weapons. She's around here somewhere, one of them said.

She was spotted leaving that shop, another said, pointing to the shop where Mary changed. This confirmed Mary's suspicion that they really were looking for her. A lot of questions went through her mind but she dismissed them. She wasn't in the mood for this, she came here to hunt and not be hunted.

The police officers moved to the shop she left. She watched as they were interrogating the woman there. She needed to move from here. She moved deeper in the alley following corners and bends till she saw herself in a busy road, probably another part of the city.

Her eyes spotted some vehicles approaching. Black vans and some Audi Q7 about three of them. The way they drove made her realize they were probably government agents. She walked down a pathway blending with the people around her.

THE LAST BLOODLINE(BOOK1)Where stories live. Discover now